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My dad had Alzheimer's .   My mom was his tull time care person but we kids would give her breaks.  He loved to color in coloring books so we spent a lot of time

doing that as it not only filled the time in his days but it relaxed him as well.

We lost my dad 2 years ago to Alzheimer's.  I miss him every day with all my heart.

AARP Expert

@CyndiT150240 Your post really hit home for me - I cared for my Dad, who had Alzheimers, for the past 10+ years and he passed less than 2 months ago. I miss him terribly - it's really hard to express how much I miss him and wish he was still here. He lived with me so that makes it all the more difficult. 


It sounds like your family took wonderful care of your Dad and its so great that he enjoyed coloring - and could continue to do it. My Dad loved music, so that was our greatest joy as we cared for him. It's amazing how creative things can stimulate the brain and also be calming.


I hope you'll continue to tell your story and share with others all of the things you did with your Dad. Everyone needs to know how important it is to interact with and bring joy to our loved ones who have Alzheimers. 


You and others might be interested to know that AARP has a new book out about activities you can do with loved ones who have memory challenges. The AARP Memory Activity Book. 


Also, here is my post here in the community about my most recent column about hospice care and the end of my Dad's life. Perhaps you'll find some things that you can connect with. Is it Time for Hospice Care? A Daughter Reflects on How She Made the Decision for her Father and Fam... I'd love to hear your thoughts after reading it - you can leave comments on that post.


Sending you a big hug from one grieving daughter to another. I know that life will never be the same, but we will learn to live with the loss. 


Take care,

Amy Goyer, AARP Family & Caregiving Expert

Author, Juggling Life, Work and Caregiving and

Color Your Way Content When Caring for Loved Ones


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