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Q & A

Just got my test result. I am in borderline for diabetes.  Yikes!  What is best way to lower cholestrol besides exercise? 

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Bronze Conversationalist

If you're talking about 'borderline diabetes'  it is primarily about controlling blood sugar. 


Plenty of articles here in AARP - online and in your paper mailings - you can click here ---

--->  5 Reasons to Lower Your Blood Sugar (Plus 4 Solutions) (


----> Diabetes Diagnosis? Diet and Exercise Can Help (


---> Search (


---> 7 Steps to Take After a Diabetes Diagnosis (


---->  AARP Smart Guide: Health | Members Only Access


Most AARP articles and science articles will say something like this:


- start eating a more 'plant/ vegetable based diet' - you can still eat your turkey for Thanksgiving, your In-and-Out-burger. just less of that but add more salads, vegetables, legumes ( beans), etc. into your regular eating habits. Yes, you can keep eating meats and fish - proteins, in moderation. 


- eat foods with less sugars (but not necessarily eating diet foods with artificial sweeteners) 

- drink less 'sugary' drinks

- eat less 'fried foods' and 'highly processed' foods - ok, less of them, you can still eat your Milano's now and again


- make exercise - a 'good habit ' you can follow. Some aerobic - walking, biking, swimming, etc. and include some strength training - as simple as lifting two to four pound weights, pull -ups, push ups, etc. or even lifting cans of soup. If you can 'get into' some kind of racquet sport - like ping pong, the new trending - pickleball, tennis, etc. - is a nice bonus to 'longevity and keeping your brain health, too' And don't forget exercises in 'flexibility - as we get older we need to keep  stretching and flexing our movements.'


Oh, don't forget to get into some good sleep habits. Maintain basic personal hygiene.


Other considerations: some will say using 'natural methods of life styles' as described above is more 'advisable' rather than using prescription drugs.-  or 'certain/ super/ magic pills and potions.'  😎   as a means of controlling borderline diabetes and basic health profiles.


There's a huge collection of AARP articles here on-line; just read and follow - as much as you can.


😎  If you could only do one thing - 'exercise' would be my recommendation - would be my base - keep moving..

The above posting is all my opinion; and not necessarily of AARP

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