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Quizzes to Earn Points AARP Rewards For Goods

Regular Contributor

Quizzes to Earn Points AARP Rewards For Goods

Is anyone else as surprised as I am by the large number of points some members have on Rewards for Goods?

I like taking some of the quizzes. I've signed up for newsletters and I try to go on the website daily but I'm still no where close to the thousands of points I see some people have.

How do they do it?  When I look over quizzes to take, there is no way to know if I've taken it before. I wish it would highlight in red or a star* or something to let me know which quizzes I have yet to take. Thanks for your input. 


I just noticed that the sweepsteaks are only being awarded at 20 winners each (except for the obvious 'big' ones that only have one winner). When I first posted sometime in late July or early August, I mentioned that there were 25 winners per sweepsteak where it used to be 50 winners per sweepsteak earlier this year. Perhaps this is why very few people are actually winning a sweeps. I religiously log in every day and enter the max entries for the sweeps I'm interested in and have only won one sweeps in the past year. Prior to that, when there were 50 winners, I was fortunate enough to win a sweeps about every other month. Guess my luck ran out but I am grateful for those wins. I hope I don't sound whiney but it seems there is less and less for we seniors at a site that should be just for us.  


At the suggestion of posters to this community, I have taken about every quiz, English as well as Spanish, to rack up some points but not near enough to even begin to bid on an auction as the bid amounts are so far beyond my reach. Even the power plays get pricey in terms of bidding with many going beyond my accumulated points. I am in awe of those of you who have put in years of diligence to rack up points to maybe win one auction. After all that work you'll have to be very selective on which auction you bid on and then hope you win. There must be an awful lot of you who are dedicated to earning and saving points as the auction bids are out of sight with some approaching 1 million points. Best wishes to all.

Honored Social Butterfly

@BeachGirl23 wrote:



At the suggestion of posters to this community, I have taken about every quiz, English as well as Spanish, to rack up some points but not near enough to even begin to bid on an auction as the bid amounts are so far beyond my reach. Even the power plays get pricey in terms of bidding with many going beyond my accumulated points. I am in awe of those of you who have put in years of diligence to rack up points to maybe win one auction. After all that work you'll have to be very selective on which auction you bid on and then hope you win. There must be an awful lot of you who are dedicated to earning and saving points as the auction bids are out of sight with some approaching 1 million points. Best wishes to all.


Hi @BeachGirl23 , Yay you! Keep racking up the points; you'll get there. I haven't spent any in well over a year, so my stash is getting pretty big. I understand that there are a number of users with loads of points.


I've said this before, but will say it again: unless/until the auctions start going for something resembling a rational price point, I won't be bidding. I'm up for paying 4-5 times the retail value of an item in a points-only auction, and perhaps we'll see that day, but until then just call me Scrooge. 🙂 






"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Super Contributor

Thank you, Hokie Poq!


I appreciate you taking the time to answer my half-facetious question.  If even one person who reads these fori has won a sweepstakes, that pretty much confirms that they're for real.  I usually do "spend" Rewards Points on these sweepstakes as winning one would indeed be completely free money, except for the three-four minutes per day that I spend entering.


Please don't get me wrong.  I usually learn at least one new thing, sometimes more, when I partake in a quiz.  What annoys me is taking a quiz in which I'm not really interested, solely to bolster my Rewards Points, and then not getting the points.  To me that's a rip-off.  However, it's not a rip-off worth spending even more time on, chasing the points in the real world with a service representative.  If the AARP's poohbahs don't have anyone monitoring these boards for glitches, and/or if the monitors can't get anything fixed.... well, that's just a sign of these mostly incompetent times.


At any rate, thank you again for letting me know that the sweepstakes are indeed legit and winable.  I hope you had a nice meal!

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

Saving money is never easy. Neither is staying healthy easy. Nor is staying married easy. Earning a PhD is not easy, either. Heck, life is not easy. We learn to deal, to do the things that become important to us. I get a certain joy out of racking up Rewards for Good points. I have the goofy idea that one day I'll buy a purse full of sporting/outdoor store gift cards with them and go to town to outfit our post-retirement on-the-road RV life.


Also, I adore puzzles. So for me, working the tasks in their never-ending permutations has become a quasi-brain game.


In the past three days, I earned 10,000 points. That's roughly $1,000 worth of future gift card savings. Worth it? Yes, to me.  


10,000 points earned in the past 3 days! Weeee!10,000 points earned in the past 3 days! Weeee!



If your joy is elsewhere, you'll need to go elsewhere to find it. 








"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Honored Social Butterfly

@CatGiorgia66  I completely understand making choices based on effectiveness. 

I do the same thing. 


PS You do sound ungrateful. FWIW.



"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Honored Social Butterfly

Quick post as I'm running late and have an appt with a training track ... I have more to say about a few (3) calculators that I cannot get to work this AM (your mileage may vary), but wanted to remind people to get their 5,000 first of the month points today because some of these tasks will renew again tomorrow, and well, you should earn points on those things twice this weekend, right? Right! 🙂


This morning I found that the Social Security Calculator is giving double points. DOUBLE! WOOT!


Under Work & Retrement SS Benes Calculator DOUBLE POINTS!.pngThis task is in the Work and Retirement section. Go get 'em! 🙂





"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Super Contributor

"Ready for Retirement Quiz:

DOUBLE POINTS? TRY "NO POINTS!" Judging from other posts below the quiz, this is a common problem.
AARP: Fix this or stop lying about points available!

"Retirement Calculator" stalled out due to "long-running script." = NO POINTS THERE EITHER.

HURRAY FOR A CONTINUED LOUSY WEBSITE and fifteen minutes of my life I could have spent gardening or reading or watching TV or walking or talking on the phone with a friend.
0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@CatGiorgia66 wrote:
"Ready for Retirement Quiz:

DOUBLE POINTS? TRY "NO POINTS!" Judging from other posts below the quiz, this is a common problem.

"Retirement Calculator" stalled out due to "long-running script." = NO POINTS THERE EITHER.

@CatGiorgia66  I'm sorry you are still having trouble. Did you call the Rewards for Good customer service phone number like @AARPTeri suggested above?


Refresher: @CatGiorgia66  I am sorry you are frustrated with our Rewards for Good program.  I would like to clarify that the quizzes are worth 300 points, were you able to receive 600 points which was the doubled amount?  If not, please call our Customer Service department (Rewards for Good Center at 1-888-605-6432)  who can assist you in getting the correct amount of points for completing these. 


Other than calling and asking the points be added to your account, here are things you can try if you feel a task owes you points. (FYI: the customer service rep will check your account history to ascertain your point status.)


Log out, clear your cache, and log back in.

Turn your ad blocker off.

Refresh the page and start the task over.

Close your browser window and open a fresh one.

Close your browser and start afresh.

Try a different browser altogether.

Restart your computer.


Here's one more thing that worked for me this morning with regards to getting missing points credited: be patient. The system awarded points on two tasks whilst I was away. Yay! 🙂 (I'll try that third 'broken' task in a minute. If it doesn't work, I'll call customer service in the morning. 🙂


The timeout error, from my experience, could be that you logged on when the R4G computers were overloaded (I make it a habit to stay away from R4G after 8 AM and it is absolute that I stay away between 3-5 my time because it seems the system is usually overloaded then), or maybe the issue is with your computer system. 


I hope something here helps and further that you are able to amass a virtual fortune in rewards points. 🙂


Best wishes,






"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Honored Social Butterfly

Reporting back.


This task still doesn't work (for me) today. As you can see, I have turned my ad blocker off. No dice. Waa.


Showing points available, not giving 'em up.Showing points available, not giving 'em up.


On the plus side, though, I see that the system did actually award points for those two Spanish language calculators. Those are the Required Minimum Distributions calculator and the Tax Margins calculator. See below. 



Spanish language RMD and tax margin calculators worked.png


 Again, your mileage may vary.  I hope you all earn oddles of rewards points!



"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Regular Contributor

This has been going on since May.  Four months and the amount of points to get something are still crazy high.  Please change the way you are doing this if anyone from AARP is reading this  

Regular Contributor

It's all way too high priced. They missed the point of AARP- a $300 purse is half my rent!!! All I can afford are magazines Should have more charities to donate my points
Linda F.
Gold Conversationalist

The response we got then was that people would use up their points and the bids would go down.  My response to that was that they will continue to use whatever way they use to get massive amounts of points and continue to take all the auctions.   That has proven true.  Those of us who just use the AARP listed ways to earn points seem to be forever excluded.   I never had the big points to compete in the long term auctions but enjoyed the power plays and won my share of those.  

I've used the honest ways to accumulate noted by Epster and have gone from 50K to 147K since May.  People have obviously hacked the system in some way, getting points that the rest of us do not know how to get.   As Epster has said, one doesn't spend hundreds of thousands of points for a $5-10 gift certificate when you have worked this hard to accumulate points.

At the very least AARP needs to restore regular bidding to the power plays to give honest folks a chance.  Otherwise it is a waste of time.

Honored Social Butterfly



@HokiePoq wrote:


I've used the honest ways to accumulate noted by Epster and have gone from 50K to 147K since May.


How completely awesome are you? This is so great! Fantastic work!


"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Regular Contributor

Does anyone think we'll be able to do the auctions again or is this a waste of time on rewards for good.  If anyone from AARP reads this I would like your opinnion because the way it is going now it's only for the people who have figured out some way of getting all of those xtra points.

Gold Conversationalist

Been discussed that there is no way that many points are accured easily.  Other bids 400,000 and higher. I imagine we will see 1,000,000 before long.   There is no way anyone earned so many using the honest suggestions provided by @epster or the repeated postings of the "earn points" page.  Someone either has hacked the system or knows how to undo the icon where you have already done an activity once and can do them over and over again.  Tempted to "toss my cookies" but doubt it's that simple and it's a lot of trouble to redo all passwords on all the sites I go to each day.  At least the old bidding system gave the rest of us a chance on the power play daily and the Wednesday power plays.  Very frustrating as I used to enjoy watching for the power play auctions.

Honored Social Butterfly

@HokiePoq wrote:

@been discussed that there is no way that many points are accured easily.  Other bids 400,000 and higher. I imagine we will see 1,000,000 before long.   There is no way anyone earned so many using the honest suggestions provided by @Epster or the repeated postings of the "earn points" page.  Someone either has hacked the system or knows how to undo the icon where you have already done an activity once and can do them over and over again.  Tempted to "toss my cookies" but doubt it's that simple and it's a lot of trouble to redo all passwords on all the sites I go to each day.  At least the old bidding system gave the rest of us a chance on the power play daily and the Wednesday power plays.  Very frustrating as I used to enjoy watching for the power play auctions.

@HokiePoq Really, bids are that nutzo still? Ugh. Wish I could wave a magic wand and fix the problem, but I can't, so here's me telling you tell you man live, I hear ya. 


Epster, hoping for lower auctions bids




"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Regular Contributor

I will not be posting again.  Apparently they aren't goint to go back to the old way of auctions where everyone could play and now only a handful can.  The same thing I saw on the sweepstakes most of the winners were from down south or New York.  I don't know how they are doing this.  I've also noticed on some of the big items in the sweepstakes that they say pending and never seem to have a winner.  If someone doesn't acknowledge it after a month or two they should pick someone else.  Who is getting these prizes?  Good luck to everyone, I don't even know if anyone cares about our opinions about this and for some reason they think it's fair.

Gold Conversationalist

I don't know what they were thinking by changing the auctions like that...totally putting the honest folks out of business.  I had won several auctions over a period of time, all of them the short term ones like Wednesday afternoon ones as I've never had hundreds of thousands of points.  I did check the auctions very frequently in hopes of the power play coming up for the day.  Now there is no point, power play or not.   The new way only makes it easy for someone who is getting points in ways not listed on the page AARP lists all the time,   If you work as hard as @Epster does, you don't throw down hundreds of thousands of points for a $5-10 gift card.  Sorry you won't be posting again.  I can't imagine this change is generating more clicks for advertising purposes, either.   While I used to be on the auction page very frequently....every 15 minutes if I was home all there are 0 clicks by me.

Honored Social Butterfly

@HokiePoq  After today's 2000+ point earning I have 681,000 points. And nothing to spend them on. LOL.


"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Honored Social Butterfly

@Epster wrote:

@HokiePoq  After today's 2000+ point earning I have 681,000 points. And nothing to spend them on. LOL.


I'm reposting this to show that it is possible to accrue a bunch of Rewards for Good points legally.


So, I had 681,000 points on 7/23/17. This morning, after earning my 171 daily points, I have 720,405 points. That's 39,405 points added to my stash in six weeks. Those 171 daily points take me about 3 minutes and add 5,130 points every 30 days. Compared to the roughly 2,000 Sunday points; the 5,000 first of the month points and the bonus points from emails and new tasks/double point opportunities, 171, doesn't seem like much, but 5G a month is over 60G a year.


Is that worth it? That's totally up to you. 🙂





"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving

Thank you for posting this. I had no idea that one could earn 171 points daily and have no idea what the 'Sunday' 2000 points are. I'm sorry to impose but is there someplace where this is documented? Thank you.

Honored Social Butterfly

@BeachGirl23 wrote:

Thank you for posting this. I had no idea that one could earn 171 points daily and have no idea what the 'Sunday' 2000 points are. I'm sorry to impose but is there someplace where this is documented? Thank you.

@BeachGirl23, Absolutely!  I don't recall the exact thread (there is talk of creating a R4G forum, so we should have an easier time finding other users' tips), but I know I posted a series of screen shots of both the Sunday 2,000 (it's actually 2,235 or something) and the First of the Month 5,000 (which, due to extra point opportunities and Double Points opportunities, this time was around 7,000 points). I tag all my tip posts with "r4g earn points", so you can find that by searching for that term. It'll be a slog, I am sorry to say, for I've posted quite a bit using that tag, but you will find it. I'm going to guess that those posts are from early June.


Another, possibly quicker, way to find it might be to search for either @grandmachloe or @CatGiorgia66's posts. They post quite a bit less frequently than do I, and I am certain my posts with those tasks lists were in response to a question posted by one or the other of them. So if you decide to search that way, I suggest, obviously enough, looking at the threads about R4G that they posted to. You'll probably find my posts much quicker that way. 


Best wishes, and go get those points! 🙂



"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Gold Conversationalist

@Epster  Can you tell me which one I'm missing for the daily 171?   I do these (after learning from you):   Login 75 (had that, lol), Recipe Search 30, Drugs A-Z 15, Drug Compare 15, and Symptom Checker 6.   I am missing 30 somewhere.

Today I had a pleasant surprise.  I noticed a new newsletter offer and got 1125 points for subscribing!

Honored Social Butterfly

@HokiePoq wrote:

@Epster  Can you tell me which one I'm missing for the daily 171?   I do these (after learning from you):   Login 75 (had that, lol), Recipe Search 30, Drugs A-Z 15, Drug Compare 15, and Symptom Checker 6.   I am missing 30 somewhere.

Today I had a pleasant surprise.  I noticed a new newsletter offer and got 1125 points for subscribing!

Hi @HokiePoq You bet!  It's the Medicare Q & A Tool En Espanol in the top section, row number one. This one is tricky, it doesn't want to give up points. Here's how I make it behave: 


1.) Search for (whatever, really) but I use the word "medigap". You'll get this:


Spanish language Medicare Q&A Tool trick. Get this page, hit your back  button and wait for the points to be awarded.Spanish language Medicare Q&A Tool trick. Get this page, hit your back button and wait for the points to be awarded.2.) Smile to yourself and hit your back button. Then wait for the points awarded popup to appear. Smile even wider because, shucks, you just forced the system to give you 30 points for your trouble. Rah! 🙂


Addendum: On that newsletter. Yes! What a fun bonus! I think there's a trick to getting at least some of those newsletter points over again, but am not sure it will work every time. However, I got extra newsletter points this weekend, I think, because I had subscribed to all the ones marked Rewards for Good at the beginning of last month, but at some point during the month I unsubbed a few of them. Then this month, when I went into interests, to change them around (at the first of the month you get points for marking interests), I resubbed the newsletters I'd previously unsubbed and got 1125 points. Bonanza! I will try that again next month and report, because it could have just been that I got more points due to the recent newsletter reset/update announced by @AARPTeri. :0).


Glad you are working the system. I see successful auctions in your future!











"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Gold Conversationalist

Thanks!  Will give that a try.

Regular Contributor

That's fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super Contributor

I took three quizzes today and got credit for only one.  This is ridiculous!  We've been complaining about this problem for months, and you still haven't fixed it?!?!?!?!?

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@CatGiorgia66 wrote:

I took three quizzes today and got credit for only one.  This is ridiculous!  We've been complaining about this problem for months, and you still haven't fixed it?!?!?!?!?

@CatGiorgia66 Calling Customer Service can resolve issues like this. (I mean until they fix the problems. ;))


Customer Service at 1-866-451-6305 Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET, and on Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET.



"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
Regular Contributor

I tried the recipe search to get points and everytime I do this it sends me a message to login. Logs me out?  Any idea why?

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@dg1070 wrote:

I tried the recipe search to get points and everytime I do this it sends me a message to login. Logs me out?  Any idea why?

I've had it do that. 


So I cleared my cache (deleted browsing history). Closed and reopened my browser and voila! Let us know if this works for you. Fingers crossed!


BTW, I was going to post this yesterday but ran out of time: the recipe search is working again. Last week the recipes wouldn't load, so I clicked on the second link that came up after searching for recipes, and that second link contained a link to the recipe database that worked. Extra clicks, but so what. 🙂


But yesterday and today the direct link (first in the list) worked. Yay!



"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving
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