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Thank You AARP Rewards!

Thank you for allowing members only access to Amazon and Walmart gift cards. As a member, it is nice to be recognized. In the past, it has been very difficult to be able to get these gift cards, as they are always "gone" by the time I see the posting. I hope this trend continues with other gift cards in the future. I and most likely others appreciate this. Thanks again.

Community Concierge

You're welcome, trswill4. Enjoy your gift cards! Also, I have taken note of what you have said and I will pass it upward. If you have any questions, I'm always here to help. - Stephen K.

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I am a little upset that $10 GC came only at the end of the month. I guess the same as myself most people already got their 3 redemptions. I wish $10 GC was offered earlier.


I appreciat this, too.

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Super Contributor

Actually the Amazon and Walmart GC have always been for members only (at least as long as I've seen them offered).  And even being members only and high points (but also for $10), the Amazon GC would sell out in less than an hour, so I never was able to get any of those.  And when these high-point $5 GC were first offered at the end of last month, they sold out pretty quick.  Then when they were offered again this month, for some reason they didn't sell out right away.  Maybe they have more available, maybe some people didn't realize they could get more than one of these if they were offered more than once, or maybe people were hoping to see some $10 GCs offered.  I passed on the first Amazon and Walmart GC this month, hoping for some $10 GCs.  But when more Amazon and Walmart GC were the only ones being offered and when they didn't sell out right away, I got them for my 3 redemptions this month.  And though I am a little disappointed that there weren't any $10 GC, I am glad that I was finally able to actually use all 3 of my redemptions this month, since I'm usually not able to do that.  Of course, there's still a few days left in the month, so maybe something else will be offered.  If not, I'm curious to see what happens next month.

Regular Contributor

not optimistic going forward , only offering walmart and amazon gift cards for the entire month except for xtra credit rewards on feb.1 i guess something is better than nothing

Bronze Conversationalist

  I was very happy to get three ‘useful’ reward redemptions this month.  It’s been months since I have been able to do so.  I hope the trend we saw this month continues.  😊

Community Concierge

Thanks for your feedback, @k380494p! - Diana G.

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