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I wish they would offer more quantities of gift cards for points

I have quite a few points, but every time I see a gift card offer I can use, it is already sold out. Today there were gift cards for Old Navy, Target, and Kohls which I could really use but they were all sold out by the time I saw them. Other gift cards not sold out are ones I can't use. I don't want to have to get up at midnight just to try to get gift cards before they sell out. Please offer more of the popular gift cards so more people can get them. Thank you.


Even when it isn't the beginning of the month I'm out of luck.  Checked today at 9:30am CST and saw a Dunking gift card I really could have used, but it was already sold out (it wasn't there yesterday at 5pm when I checked rewards, so I expect it was added this morning and quickly sold out).

Super Contributor

No idea of what the AARP offerings will be, if any, on 01/01/2023 at midnight, but if the typical offerings are available, these might possibly go even faster since, well of course...


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Gold Conversationalist

@RenateW69623I agree. The Extra Credit deals are only for the night owls in the EST but convenient for others. In the old program, daily awards used to come up at 9 a.m. EST, great for me of course. However, it was not great for PST folks who did not want to get up at 6 a.m. to get rewards. So it was changed. Hello World (or whatever the new name is) seems determined to keep the time at midnight. I can only console myself that they are just $5 cards, not the $20 ones we used to get. I suppose I'd set a middle of the night alarm for those. The real problem is that many, many participants have been added and continue to be recruited through ads everywhere but apparently commensurate funding is not being provided. $20 rewards have become $5 rewards and still there are not enough. All gone by 6 a.m. EST when I got up, the ones I wanted anyway.

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Super Contributor

It seems the Extra Credit / Members only cards like you mentioned do go on sale as a first of the month thing at midnight. Every month I seem to be able to pick up $10 cards by checking in around 10 - 10:30 Eastern Time, those are usually sold out before noon. That was the case with the Old Navy today, I got one around 10:30 AM. The number of points required seems tied to popularity not a fixed point amount to card value. With only 3 gift card purchase with points allowed per month, there seems to be more opportunity later in the month.

The cards still hanging around are just clutter things up. Multiple offers for the same cards at different costs makes no sense.

It would be nice if we could sort by category, E-Cards, E-Books, Merchandise, Gift Cards.


At least the daily deal (where you can buy gift cards for $10) lets you know what is coming up and what time you can get it. I wish they would do the same for the gift cards that can be bought using points, so at least we could plan for those. I've also seen the same gift cards offered for different point values and wondered why that was. And even when I've seen gift cards offered later in the month, again the really popular ones like Target or Amazon are always sold out by the time I see them, which is usually around 7am central time for me.

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Super Contributor

I can appreciate your disappointment. These games, videos, lessons and quizzes are supposed to be educational, entertaining and fun. The rewards, well they are not like they used to be years back for sure. Points don't buy what they used to. That said, neither do $5 cards. It does seem that $15 Instant Wins are becoming more common.

But ask yourself, if the $5 cards you want disappear in minutes (seconds), then announcing the release time for $10 cards could be even more challenging to get one.

I think AARP is spreading "For Points" cards released through out the month at various times to also be available to West Coast participants.

Reading several threads on this forum, I see a lot of frustrated people. I consider myself fortunate to buy a few cards a month, not always my choice of vendor, but it gets me to try new things, like Chipotle, shop at AutoZone, send flowers, candy or popcorn. Once in a while, I get an Instant Win, and maybe once a year or so I get a card in a drawing. A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing. Yes, I am retired, so in-between playing sudoku and solitaire, I check offers.

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