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BEWARE of Hartford Auto Greed

Please be cautious when working with The Hartford Company. I did lots of research on auto insurance and finally decided to use AARP's recommendation... because I like AARP and they seem to be a good service company that cares about its members. Well the recommended insurance company is nothing like that. After the first 6 months, they jacked my rate over $200 for no reason. I have no tickets, or claims... hell I've only been with them for 6 months. Even if they have/had access to my previous insurance company, they would say the same thing. When I asked The Hartford to help my understand the reason for the increase, the response I got was a BS template.


We can certainly understand your concerns as the price of insurance continues to change nationwide due to the rising cost of the things, we pay for including medical treatment and vehicle repairs.  I assure you we reserve our best pricing for customers such as yourself who has had no losses.  Our promise to our customers is to pay for medical treatments and vehicle repairs in the event of a loss.  Both continue to become more and more expensive every year.


What we would like to do is a thorough review of your policy with you.  Ultimately, we would be looking for any changes since last year, like a credit that may have expired or look for benefits you may not be taking advantage of.  Please contact us at your earliest convenience to review your policy


Thank you for choosing The Hartford. We're here if you need us. 



This total BS and I called them on it. The Hartford made almost 6 BILLION dollars last quarter and over 500 MILLION in pure profit. They are in no way hurting but they are hurting all of us. These companies are making record profits and there seems to be no end in sight. I sure hope AARP kicks these liars to the curb and finds a respectful company to endorse. 


rant over... for now.


p.s. If you can do it, never let any insurance company track you. They will sell your information (even to other departments in their own company), making double their money and you will have to deal with the fallout of your every move being tracked by companies you never truly approved in having said information. They will not tell you the fine print when it comes to their tracking.


Greed over Honor, The Hartford Way.


ok, rant really over now.




thank you all for your responses. I will continue looking around but after all its insurance. On with life, and thanks again you've been very helpful.

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I have Hartford for around 5 years.  I also have a renters policy. Got my new,premium notice, cost went down, but had a few benefits added. You should call the. And discuss it with them. And I am way over 70 years.

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I wish more people were as astute as you Daniel. It's not only Hartford it is every insurance company in the US. I am with Branch and like you I have a perfect driving record. My insurance was raised 105% more than double. When I asked them why they told me all auto insurance companies were raising their rates average 35%. Mine was even higher because my 2017 Hyundai is Accent is in the list of easiest to steal cars. 

Be as it may it all boils down to one thing, price gouging. They raise rates mainly because they can. It is not and never was about safety or the customer. It is all about profits and shareholders. Just remember the worst driving infraction is driving without insurance. Here in Arizona, it is 12 points against your license. If you kill someone it is only 5.I call it legalized extortion.

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I'm staying away from them, as I tried to get a good quote today and because my membership is tied with my grandmother's, the person quoted me something that was almost $30 a month more than I was quoted online just a few minutes before ..telling me that I couldn't use my membership that's through her and receive the same discount. He said I'd have to buy my own membership to even get the new price. Definitely jacked it up to improve their possible commission. That said, I said no, thank you. Not only was it was double what I was quoted a year ago and I felt I couldn't trust the representative. 

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Honored Social Butterfly

You might want to check a โ€œmutual insurance companyโ€.

From Investopedia:

Investopedia: What Is a Mutual Insurance Company? 

A mutual insurance company is an insurance company that is owned by policyholders. The sole purpose of a mutual insurance company is to provide insurance coverage for its members and policyholders, and its members are given the right to select management. Mutual insurance companies make investments in portfolios like a regular mutual fund, with any profits returned to members as dividends or a reduction in premiums. Federal law, rather than state law, determines whether an insurer can be classified as a mutual insurance company.


More info at the Investopedia link 



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