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Observations of the changing Generations

Super Contributor

Observations of the changing Generations

I've been watching a streaming feature travel guy who is a bachelor in his late 40's, and who still loves to go to theme-parks and play many of the electronic games he played as a youth. This got me to remembering an article I came across some time ago that mentioned the scientific fact that U. S. males had been experiencing lower testosterone levels with each passing decade. I had to think of my own son who is in his 50's, has never been married, sits in front of his computer for hours playing games, and refuses to make commitments to work, relationships, or anything. These types are becoming more & more commonplace. I think it began with those who graduated High-School in the mid 60's and just became more pronounced as time went on. I think we in the older brackets still believed what the scriptures told us ; IE; "When I became a man, I put away the things of a child", whereas successive  generations gave no thought to those things at all.

Super Contributor

I think you're being influenced by a very small minority of individuals.  Most kids (20-50yo) are still responsible people!

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