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Regular Social Butterfly

9/11 Anniversary - 21 years later

I remember this day as the most terrible in my life as a citizen of the United States, a homeless man boarded our bus and said World Trade was bombed; we looked out the window and the World Trade Denver was okay, but then I wondered...


First I wondered about the safety of my boss who was in NY at the Scholastic Building; she was "safe" and leaving the area...


Then I contacted daughter and hoped she would not attend her school in Cali, because we didn't know exactly what could happen...


Then someone smart knew it was "Taliban"; then I felt all was lost... then Johnny Depp compared US to yapping dog, and then I knew; we brought this on us by interfering in middle-east issues; only oil-based companies would interfere; name the owners of oil companies in the US?


I'm sorry for any offense. But we need to address "the elephant in the room", me thinks. And move to be a better country and humanity?



Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: “If I’d known I’d live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”
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