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What Food Will Be on Your Plate This Year?

Community Concierge

What Food Will Be on Your Plate This Year?

Ready to take a fresh approach to eating this year? Try the Mediterranean diet. It’s more of an eating plan than a diet, as it doesn’t have the rigid rules and restrictions you find in fad diets. It’s a way of eating that emphasizes plant-based foods, which are rich in nutrients and fiber, and includes only a small amount of red meat and sugar. There’s also a focus on sharing meals with others, if possible, and doing things you enjoy, such as walking, dancing, gardening or yoga, to stay physically active, several times a week. Visit AARP® Staying Sharp® for more information on brain health.

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 I am not confident on following a different diet except for a balanced meal of protein, a starch, cooked veggie and a raw veggie with a fruit for dessert.  You can interchange that recipe with a variety of different meats, vegetables, fruit and never get bored.  I do the meatless Monday, Tuesday is always the taco Tuesday, Work on having a different meat every night.  So, Tuesday you have the beef or chicken or fish tacos. You could even have Black Bean tacos. Whatever you fancy. Always try to have fish two nights a week.  My ground sirloin is always 93 to 96 lean. Ground turkey can be substituted for use in chili or taco soups. Prepare premade snacks for if you're out running errands.  I am big on eating organic, grassfed, no preservatives food.  I believe it is better for your body and your mind. No preservatives, not prepacked food.  Well, thats my opinion. 

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