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Insurance for those who have no car but drive friends cars

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Insurance for those who have no car but drive friends cars

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Here is a safety net for those without cars. No Name car insurance for those who do not own a car and no one in the home has a car. My neighbor drive his family’s, friends’, or rents a car. Since it is against the law to drive without insurance he purchased insurance for $185 a year. He makes payments instead of a one lump sum. He is within the law which protecting himself and the owner’s car. He uses his bicycle, walks, or takes the bus for 50 cent the rest of the time.  His insurance covers the following: 1 9999 NONAMED NON-OWNER VEHICLE INFORMATION:

Coverages 2,500 miles a year   Limits ($) Vehicle 1

Bodily lnjury                                                                    1 00,000/300,000         $69

Property Damage                                                           50,000                           $50

Medical Payments                                                          5,000                            $31

Uninsured/uninsured Motorist Bodily lnjury                                                         $35      

Comprehensive                                                             (See Deductibles)

Collision                                                                         (See Deductibles)

Car Rental Expense                                                       (See Above)

Uninsured Collision Uninsured Deductible Waiver

12 – Month or 1 year vehicle premium                                                               $185.00

Just check your state car insurance companies  that you are interested in purchasing.  Check your own city hall for breaks for senior citizen rides like homes, rentals, transportation, and discounts.   All my best to all!

Additional Information:  Whether you are lending or borrow the car the following information you may find interesting.  Nothing in life is straight forward especially when it comes to insurance.  Policies are not all the same.  I pulled the following information off the internet.  Comprehensive and collision auto insurance coverages are tied to the insured vehicle (they follow the car). These coverages pay for damage that befalls the insured vehicle as a result of an accident or vandalism. One could say that if you loan your vehicle, you loan your insurance. With comprehensive insurance which covers almost everything, it is the car rather than the driver that is covered. This, however, requires many stipulations to be put in place, such as who is allowed to drive the car. If someone other than the insured is driving a vehicle covered by comprehensive coverage and is not listed as a covered driver even if the other person has permission – the other person might not be covered in an accident. Family members (such as children or a spouse) are generally already included in the policy definition of “insured.” However, rarely will insurance cover a driver operating a vehicle without the owner’s permission.

Other Drivers Driving the Insured’s Vehicle

When an insured allows other drivers to drive his vehicle, then, and only then, does the question of whether insurance follows the car or the vehicle become even awkwardly relevant. The right question to be asking is not whether insurance follows the car or the driver, but whether or not other drivers will be covered by the insured’s auto insurance. Unfortunately, there is no bright line answer to the question, and it depends greatly on the language of the policies involved, the jurisdiction you are concerned with, and the specific facts involved. Permissive use is generally covered under the liability terms of an auto policy. As always, however, there are exceptions.

There are certainly insurance carriers and policies that will not cover any driver not specifically named in the policy. Other relevant facts include where the “other driver” resides and if they are related to the insured. In general, if someone is living in the insured’s household and regularly drives the insured’s vehicle, many insurance carriers expect you to have that person named on the policy. They will need to undergo the same underwriting and qualification process as any other policyholder.

In some cases, if a family member is visiting and has permission from the insured to drive the family vehicle, there will be coverage if there is an accident, but the coverage may be limited. All policies should be reviewed to determine if there are any excluded drivers and any limitations on coverage for anyone driving the car that is not specifically named on the policy.  You will not know for sure unless you read the car owner's policy.  


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Hello, regarding your posting about this NO NAME car insurance for $185 per year for folks who do not own a car showing 2,000+ views  ... there's no email or phone number with it .. do you have additional information ? I'd be interested in this ... please post info on how to get this insurance, thanks 

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Honored Social Butterfly

@monikav958649 wrote:

Hello, regarding your posting about this NO NAME car insurance for $185 per year for folks who do not own a car showing 2,000+ views  ... there's no email or phone number with it .. do you have additional information ? I'd be interested in this ... please post info on how to get this insurance, thanks 

It is a really old post but the way the poster put it, it is a bunch of malarkie, it really is not full coverage - Think about it.


Non-owner car insurance is a special policy designed for people who don’t have a car. It provides liability coverage when you rent or borrow someone’s vehicle. Liability insurance pays if you cause injuries to others or property damage in a car accident, up to the amount purchased.


It does NOT cover the car you are driving.


So in essence, a person who drives who has NO car has to have (2) different kinds of insurance.


1.  Liability insurance - this is what is shown by the threads original poster - it is ONLY liability coverage and is at a VERY LOW AMOUNT of coverage. 


2.  To cover the actual car that a person without a personally owned car is driving and with the price of cars today - that could be a litlle or A LOT - this coverage is not included in the original post in this thread.

  •  If you occassionally borrow someone elses car with permission, they should have their car covered on their policy - but make sure.
  • If you rent a car, you have to pick up the collision/comprehensive insurance to cover THAT car.  (see drawpokers response as to how  you could possibly do it)

Whether you are borrowing from someone else with permission or whether you are commercially renting a car to drive - it is up to you to have the proper amount of liability to pay if you injure someone else and also the property of others - car or otherwise.


If you are not insured enough for all perils, you are risking a lot.










It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Regular Social Butterfly

This is,  er,  just Nuts.   Sorry,  to be blunt.   But there is no other word appropriate for this utter nonsense. 


Someone is paying $185 a year for auto insurance when no car is owned?    And presumably bought a,  er,  policy?   For What?    Coverage to have permission to drive someone else's car?   Or rent a car?  


Any standard auto liability insurance policy already covers OCCASIONAL drivers.   Or any licensed driver who has PERMISSION to use the vehicle..


Renting a car?  Either use one of the credit cards that gives you full coverage.  Or,  lacking that,  pony up at the counter to purchase the full insurance package.     


I guess,  really trying to find some value in the OP's post here,  that if this person has friends or family who own UN-Insured Cars,   well,  then,    I guess there would be some value in trying to protect one's own assets from litigation arising out of an at-fault auto accident.  If this person was dumb enough to actually borrow this person's car KNOWING there was no valid insurance on it.    


However,   as a practical matter,  wouldn't a wise person,  rather than shell out $185,  just  avoid asking to borrow a car from someone who is known to have an UN-Insured Vehicle?   Especially considering that it is usually against the law in most all of the 50 states for anyone to retain valid registration on a car  w/out retaining continuous liability insurance.      Hmmmm. 


I wonder if the OP has somehow confused  "umbrella policy" type coverage wiith general auto liability.  Altho the $185 price posted here is a bit on the high side.   For people who already have appropriate H.O. and auto coverage,   they should be able to get a $1 million -plus umbrella policy for around $100-$150 a year.  





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