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Poverty Is a type of plague and can be eradicated by a vaccination

I spent a career in nursing and the military, but my hobby was personal finance management.  My minor was Banking and Finance plus I completed an internship with IDS/Investors Diversified Service now Ameriprise  a financial planning company founded in 1894. I volunteered for many years with programs that help low to moderate income individuals receive financial literacy and planning information plus debt reduction and Tax preparation through VITA and AARP Tax aide.  Some progress is made but not enough then I began to see a different way I realized Poverty is a type of plague.  Mankind has eradicated plagues with 100% vaccinations  like polio and small pox.  It came to me that an Asset Ownership Standard was missing Key and that an Asset Ownership Standard is that Poverty vaccination.  When an AOS is applied to 100% of world population Poverty will be eradicated and the impact of covid-19 completely turned around.  Join me in spreading the word by signing this petition and encouraging everyone to sign it also.   for more on the backstory read

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