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I hate going through the rejection year after year after year!

Periodic Contributor

I hate going through the rejection year after year after year!

Something must be wrong with me. Once again I have gotten years of job rejections. Just like all the other years. Something is definitely wrong with me. This will make anyone get up and worry at 3:45am.  And now I have my age to contend with!

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My eyes went right to your topic.  I moved back to the Midwest to be a caregiver for my parents.  I have loads of skills and degrees and the move was good for me professionally..... until it wasn't.  Fallout from the 2008 financial crisis really hurt, as the common thread professionally has been in the arts but I have strong corporate and administrative skills too.  But the arts just dried up in smaller arenas so I have struggled for years here, not willing to move unless I have something to move TO in terms of work.  It has been a constant stressor, yet somehow I look back at a decade and am so grateful that I have managed to keep going and make ends meet.  The pandemic has made me yearn for a work-from-home job doing data entry or something I do easily and well, but where oh where are these jobs?  The offerings are heavily on the tech side and marketing.  I would like to write and have published a photo history book as well as other types of writing.  But steady income?  Don't know.  What do you do, and have you any ideas for future searches?  Volunteering led to my current job which i was SO grateful to have but it's IN A HOSPITAL and not in an office but with patients!  Not the ideal place during a pandemic and it creates a lot of anxiety for me.  Anyway, you are not alone and I know that we are not alone. Can anyone else weigh in on this topic?  I know there are so many of us that still need to work for a while, regardless of our education level. Stay safe out there.

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