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Honored Social Butterfly


Top of the morning to everyone on this First day of
MARCH 2025 
Happy Birthday to all of our MARCH Birthday members.






Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

[Sunday 3/9/25]  👋  @catwoman500 @MsStretch @LaDolceVita , hope you are well!!!


(1) Dolce, I finally gave into signing up for Prime for the CHEAP plan. Wow, I didnot realize they had SO MANY 7-day free trials. Lol, of course you NEED to go into your account and click on DONOT renew if you are not interested in channel. TODAY my mhz trial ends at 3pm ET = been bingeing on Agatha Christie Crime Games in French with English Subtitles.


*** Catwoman & Ms. Stretch, do you guys watch Prime? I have the free app on my Android cell phone. ***


(2) Catwoman, any PBS shows you are looking forward to watching? I need to make some time to go to their WEBSITE. Not sure what is happening TONIGHT. Hope they have some NEW mysteries lined up. But NOT alot of violence.  🙄

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Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 , yes. orange stranger cat still makes appearances.  Big ol' healthy cat.  Not scroungy like any feral or stray.  Suspect he has an owner somewhere who just lets him roam at breakfast and dinner time. 


Other evening, had a big scare.  Was out feeding the kids (at garage, of course) and talking to neighbor when yelling broke out on street.  Neighbor went running and he's yelling and Willie Mae comes running past with a dog dead on her butt and I joined the chase.  The guy across the street has 2 pit pulls which are crate-trained and he usually keeps them under control -- leash, etc., but they got away from him.  Willie Mae disappeared around the corner of a shed, and went under it I suspect, and the guy finally got his dogs under control.  I was sure the dog had gotten her.  My neighbor (and landlord, since I live on the property) was threatening to shoot the dog because no one messes with the cats.  (I was surprised how mad he was.)  Giorgio came out from under deck, but no Willie Mae.  The guy came over profusely apologetic, asking me about the cats, and told me he was totally at fault and let him know if anything was wrong with the kids.  I went out all night long with headlamp checking and looking under shed (nothing but a bunch of leaves) calling for Willie Mae, but I knew she was traumatized.  Never saw her, but it was better than seeing her lying there maimed or worse. Next morning, when I went out to feed them, she was there.  None the worse for wear.  (I was afraid the dog might have nipped her.)  😮💨 Whew!. I was so happy and relieved.  And don't you know, that night, she headed right to the garage door for dinner.  She was pretty hinchy though, looking around, and I had to stand there with her so she could eat in relative peace while I had her back. 🙄


And on a cheerier note, went back to Shenandoah NP yesterday.  Nothing strenuous, just a couple of short jaunts, to try and get back in the swing of things. Now that there isn't constantly snow on the ground and chillingly cold temps.  Felt good to be back out the woods. 


I look forward to DST.  Since I am a night owl, the longer daylight is more than welcome rather than than it getting dark at 5. ☀️

Honored Social Butterfly

@MsStretch HE NEEDS TO MOVE!!! 😤


What happens the NEXT time???


I luv dogs and my ex & I had a darling 1-legged female pitt bull named Bobbi that his Air Force son had left with us while overseas. She had lost the leg chasing after a jeep on base as a puppy. We were in Columbus, Georgia. NOT ONCE did she chase any cats. Now Jeremiah my little boy (tiny mixed breed) felt a NEED to do so and pick fights with dogs 10 times his size.  😱  I had to walk off is energy (Jack Russell mix) in areas with NO dogs. He became ours, like Bobbie did with the son and wife NEVER came back for them.  😭  Jeremiah was his wife's. Bobbi was SO ATTACHED to his son, she would be UNDER his car with him supervising him fixing it.  💛


I left when Jeremiah ran away, stayed only because of him. NEVER forgave my ex for letting him OUTSIDE unsupervised knowing our fence had a hole which he refused to fix.Usually he would come back, but not this time.


Hated leaving my girl Bobbi behind, but was not mine to take.



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Honored Social Butterfly

@MsStretch , typo - 3 legged.  🙄

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...Holy Cow...what a scare that was! 😿

Honored Social Butterfly

Hmmm, where is everyone???  🤔


Well you guys ENJOY your weekend!!!  🙃

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Honored Social Butterfly

  [Friday 3/7/25] SO GLAD my Radio Station just mentioned the TIME CHANGE for THIS Sunday. Totally forgot!!!  😱  Would NOT be good to be LATE for my appointments. Anyway, pulled out ALL my reminder notes.  🙄  Reset microwave manually, same with my home clock and 2006 Hyundai Elantra clock. GRATEFUL cell does it auto. (1) Which time change, IF any - do you like? Why? Me, don't like any of them but if I had to choose one - I like March's change. NOT as dark when it should be light in my opinion. (2) Lol, any times you FORGOT to change stuff that needs to be RESET manually? Me, oh yes before I retired. I was the only one at work and wondering why parking garage was EMPTY./lol  😂🤣  Needless to say I was the Joke Of The Day.


HAPPY Friday...

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Honored Social Butterfly

[Thursday 3/6/25] @MsStretch , I just sent you a PM. Sweet dreams!!!  😴

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Honored Social Butterfly

[Wednesday 3/5/25] @MsStretch , the ORANGE cat  🐈  - is it still hanging around? If YES, is it a stray? Does it interact with you? Luv to the kids.  🐈💛🐈


YOU WROTE: She has developed an annoying habit though. In the evening, she will not eat on my deck instead running off expecting me to follow her (and of course, I do) and then, heads to a garage door where she eats. I suspect it is due to the orange stranger cat that sometimes shows up to help himself to any vittles. Giorgio will not hesitate to stop him and run him off and protect his mom, but Willie Mae does not like confrontation.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 , as a matter of fact, a friend/neighbor and I went for a 5-mile hike at Crow's Nest just this past Saturday. It is one of VA's natural preserve areas that has quite a history spanning Native American, the colonial era, and the Civil War.  We took the Crows Nest Point Trail which also takes us past an old family cemetery.


Started out with the weather sunny and nippy, but warmed up in the sun.  Towards the end though, the sun disappeared and the wind picked up and it got downright chilly. I'll admit I was feeling some stiffness and soreness in my hamstrings, but haven't really done that much hiking this winter. 😞 How fast we can get out of shape. 🫤


Also plan on returning to Shenandoah NP soon to resume searching for abandoned history -- old homesites and cemeteries.  Maybe this week. 🤞


Willie Mae & Giorgio back at Mister. 😺😸

Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...You go, Girl!

Honored Social Butterfly

[Sunday 3/2/25] @MsStretch do you have any hikes planned?  🤔  Hopefully the weather has been nice for you. Lol, we have had a mixture = winter popping up in the midst of spring. Oh well, grateful no more snow so far. But as we both know for Virginia there can be a late seasonal arrival. Hope not!!! Anyway, Mister  🐈  sends his luv as usual for Queen Willie Mae  🐈  and Prince Giorgio  🐈.

Trusted Social Butterfly

.I usually buy impatiens in 6 packs already blooming.  We do marigolds from seeds.  Letus know how you make out.

Honored Social Butterfly

@LaDolceVita , when do you do your Marigold seeds? Guess what, they are sprouting!!!  🙃  My 1st time sowing seeds. 📸  TWO PICTURES ATTACHED.

Lol, had to use my MAGNIFYING GLASS to see them.  🤣😂






[*** DOLCE wrote:

.I usually buy impatiens in 6 packs already blooming.  We do marigolds from seeds.  Letus know how you make out. ***]

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Honored Social Butterfly

[2/28/25 Friday]


📸 2 attachments. @LaDolceVita & @catwoman500 , my two gardeners - do you use seeds for your gardens?  🤔


Picked up a pack of Impatiens Seeds & Starter Pots from Dollar Tree yesterday.


Figured IF the seeds DO NOT make it, $1.25 is NOT bad of a loss.  👍


Wish me luck!





Trusted Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 ...I usually buy the six packs of plants like @LaDolceVita. Years ago, when I was ambitious (and way younger) I tried the seeds. Not much luck with them. When I taught first grade, we always planted sunflower seeds because they sprouted and grew fast. that was fun.

Honored Social Butterfly

[Friday 2/21/25] BIG BROTHER @Frozenoem & Allen @Therapist4u 💛🤗

Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 , doesn't appear to be hairball, maybe ate too fast? When my indoor cats used to gag, I would run to take them off the carpet or the bed or the furniture and move to bare floor or grab a newspaper or similar and stick it in front of them.  I once grabbed my cat to move her, but not fast enough because she ended up puking all over me. 😠

Honored Social Butterfly

[2/20/25 4am ET]


Thank you SO MUCH @MsStretch !!! 💛🤗


He was CLINGY ALL DAY AND NIGHT yesterday as it snowed. Yes, it was back and more today. DREADING clearing off my car tomorrow (Friday) to do one errand I "delayed" = need a 4-wheel to get "back up" my hill. 😭


Lol, I hope Queen Willie Mae was NOT a "rebel" again and you had to go search for her. 🤣😂


NO FUN cleaning up his mess. 🤮


Luv to her and Giorgio 🐈💛🐈


[*** @MsStretch wrote:

@Spring2025 , doesn't appear to be hairball, maybe ate too fast? When my indoor cats used to gag, I would run to take them off the carpet or the bed or the furniture and move to bare floor or grab a newspaper or similar and stick it in front of them.  I once grabbed my cat to move her, but not fast enough because she ended up puking all over me. 😠 ***]

Honored Social Butterfly

[Wednesday 2/19/25 8:45am ET]


@MsStretch , attaching a 📸 picture. Is this a HAIR BALL issue? Mister 🐈 just THREW UP. In the past he had "acted" like he wanted to. Gagging. But NEVER threw up. Luv to the kids. 💛


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Trusted Social Butterfly

@Spring2025   Haha think I had better not kudo this picture of you know what 😂😂.

Honored Social Butterfly

Lol @LaDolceVita , it took me a hot second to figure out WHAT???  🤣😂


[*** @LaDolceVita wrote:

@Spring2025   Haha think I had better not kudo this picture of you know what 😂😂. ***]

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Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 ,Yes, for sure, Willie Mae AND Giorgio have me wrapped around their paws, but let's talk about Mister.  😜 Heh, heh, heh.  


Glad to hear your bone density and diabetic tests showed everything is copacetic. 👍


Yep, VA got a lot of snow, but thank God for above freezing temps (unlike the last go-round when the snow and ice stuck around forever 🥶), and most of it has melted with minimal shoveling.  Made it to my nephrologist appointment this morning with no problem.  My low sodium is back on the right track, nothing that warrants me taking salt tablets. Not to mention, how often does one get the green light to use lots of salt on your food and eat salty foods?🧂 I had left early since I wasn't sure how roads in my neighborhood might be (we are the last to get plowed), but had no problem and got to doc early.  No one else was there, so I guess they called me back earlier than my 10:00 appointment since I walked out of there at 10:05!  Now how often does that happen particularly at a doctor?


@LaDolceVita , good to hear you didn't have Covid or RSV, but when you're sick, it really doesn't make a diff when you still feel like crap. 🤒 


@catwoman500 , enjoy the fun tomorrow. 🦅💚


Frozenoem did say he was moving, but also had a few health issues, and might be sporadic checking in; still hoping everything is OK.  @Therapist4u, you're a trooper.  Hope you get some relief.

Trusted Social Butterfly

@Spring2025   Good for you on bone density test and the prediabetes!  They tested me for Covid, Rsv and flu, positive for fluA.  As for the Frozen Guy, I am worried too. Did he not mention moving?   That would take up some time.  Hopefully he will update us soon.  @catwoman500  hopefully you will not get the bugs going around.  @DaveMcK    Hope you are well.

Honored Social Butterfly

First of all, I have to give a shout-out to @catwoman500. 🎉🏆 Happy for you.  There was no stopping the Eagles on Sunday.  What a game.  I bet they're still dancing in Philly. 🕺💃


@LaDolceVita , glad you're feeling better.  That flu is a nasty thing. 🤒 @Spring2025 is right, lot ot it going around VA.  I did get the flu shot last fall and knocking on wood, it does its thing.


Had to hit the doc this morning for treatment and it had starting snowing when I left there.  (The office was closing as soon as all the patients had left and guess who was the last one? 😏)  Road had been pretreated and it was still above freezing so had an uneventful ride home.  And surprise!  I didn't see a whole lotta yahoos on the road!  Little snow, mostly rain tomorrow and temps above freezing, so hopefully, this snow storm is just a little speed bump in the road.


@Spring2025 , furkids are snuggled in their warm kitty huts/beds.  I am not looking forward to going out to feed them later this evening.  Willie Mae will probably get the zoomies and want to go take care of personal business and I will have to go clear a spot for her. 🙄 (Yeah, yeah, I know.  Don't ask.) 

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey, Porch Peeps!

@LaDolceVita ...Glad to hear you are feeling better. Haven't had any of my friends get the flu so far...knock on wood, but others have come down with Covid of all the darn things. All of these people were up on their Covid shots, too. Go figure!

I lay low most of the time except for the necessary errands.

This month has been pretty empty of obligations and I'm loving it except for the cold temps. We're supposed to get more snow this afternoon into tomorrow morning, but it's better than the ice we had Saturday night. No way could I get to the grocery store on Sunday to get my Eagles discount. 😾

After this next snow, there is more "something" coming Wednesday night into Thursday. 


@MsStretch ...thank you! We did certainly dominate that Super Bowl. 🦅 🏈

It was very noisy around here for a while Sunday night. 


Due to the crazy weather we are having this week, the parade in Philly is taking place on Friday, Valentine's Day.


@Spring2025 ...You and Mister sound like quite the item. 😍


Hope everyone stays safe!

Honored Social Butterfly

Lol @catwoman500 , he acts like my Studio Apt is in HIS NAME and he pays rent!!! 🤣😂


Yes, knock on wood - have ALL whatever they are giving out except the RSV (might be misspelled 🙄). So far been 100% well.


My daughter has had flu and covid and REFUSES anymore shots. She had gotten flu in spite of shot. Same for COVID. But she is a social animal, so I am sure lots of INDOOR EVENTS = contact with sick folks.


*** Okay, I guess I have to travel to Maine to check on BIG BRO. 💛🤗


*** Oh, my Bone Density was okay. And thanks to my 3 ladies @catwoman500 @MsStretch @LaDolceVita , I knew what to expect and wear. Thanks 🙃


And NO longer pre-diabetic thanks to walking inside my Studio Apt EVERY DAY and Low Carb Mediterrean Diet. All my old Medicare doctor had suggested. Miss her. Got a fellow now. 😭

Honored Social Butterfly

Aha @MsStretch , I was wondering IF you and @catwoman500 were going to post YESTERDAY. I donot do Football and I just thought neither team was playing. 🙄


Lol, Willie Mae got you "wrapped" around her paws. 🤣😂


Mister too for me. GLARED at him today when he "thought" it was going to be a NICE HUMAN DAY = get up to let him out or in. NOPE, too cold. Lol, tried your way and told him to go find a spot to nap. And he did. 👍


Yes, ICE is now here as snow turned into rain. 😭


Come on Spring....

Honored Social Butterfly

[Tuesday 2/11/25 2:20pm ET] @MsStretch , you and the kids okay? Lol, Virginia certainly has been hit with SNOW!!! 😱


Mister 🐈 was whining at my door at 6am. Glad he made it through the night with his STUBBORN a.s. You could NOT pay me to go OUTSIDE.


Probably venture out on Thursday and/or Friday DEPENDING on what my hill looks like. 🙄


Has anyone heard from BIG BRO @Frozenoem ??? I am VERY CONCERNED. 😭


I see Allen @Therapist4u stopped by. 👍


Anyway, stay warm Ms. Other Virginian and HOPE Willie Mae 🐈 was not MIA. I think we have ONE more day of this. 😭

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