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Honored Social Butterfly


Top of the morning to everyone on this First day of
MARCH 2025 
Happy Birthday to all of our MARCH Birthday members.






Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Gold Conversationalist

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Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 , I stood there at the end of the game thinking, "Did I really just see that?"  Quite frankly, I don't think I can take many more of these last-seconds games.  I honestly did not think a game against the Eagles would be one of those.


@LaDolceVita , glad to hear you're getting back on track.  Sounds like you're starting the new year off right! 👍I usually do a first-day hike, and there's a new state park that just opened that I may check out.


Yep, hope @Frozenoem  is hanging in there.

Trusted Social Butterfly

@Therapist4u   Nice to see you, was just thinking about you during my AM walk.  @DaveMcK   I am joining a medically supervised gym geared toward older folks om 1/1/25.  Making myself lift heavier weights.  Hopefully they can help my hubby with his knee pain.  


All is well here in these beautiful mountains.  I attended church services in the tiny downtown church yesterday, first time in a long while.  I enjoy the small intimate services and will probably return.   Will start getting involved in the animal shelter also as time allows.  I am still too tied down with chores though.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. to all Porchers.   Missing the Frozen guy.



Gold Conversationalist

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Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 , counting down... 😬


Commanders gotta have their best game for sure, none of these close calls.  (At least, Congress finally gave RFK back to Washington, so it remains to be seen if they return to old DC.)

Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...OH, WOW! 


Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 , congrats on your birds clinching division title.  Commanders hanging in there, but barely.  Seems they come out strong, but fizzle towards the end.  They beat the Saints yesterday, but that was by a bare thread and whole lotta luck.


Hey @LaDolceVita , great to hear the doctor appointments have eased up.  Just went to see a nephrologist because oncologist was worried about my sodium being consistently low and guess what?  Labs a few days before my app't. showed my sodium back up in the 'green' zone. But now, the new doc wants me to get a renal panel done. 🙄  If it ain't broke... don't go looking for something.  I know.  I know.  Maintenance and catch-anything-early and all that, but I'm tired of all the tests.


Been rainy and cold here, but it beats the snow. ☃️



Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...thanks! I did check your score yesterday and saw that one-point win! Yikes. That must have been scary. But...a win is a WIN! 😸

Good luck with the renal panel. It is best to have it checked, but I so agree on the "if it ain't broke" motto.

Today was rainy here and we're having up and down temps...mostly down. My outside faucet pipe froze this weekend even though it was turned off. Stepson had to go up and down from the basement to get water to mix the cement he needed to make new outside steps for me. I still can't believe he worked outside the whole weekend in the frigid temps we had.


You all stay safe and warm!

Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...Apologies in advance for saying this, but hope we bring it tomorrow! 🏈 😉

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi folks.  Had my last doctor doctor visit this week.  It was very easy, even though I have not seen ob/gyn for 3 years.  Waiting for yea or nay on restarting hrt after a not quite right mammogram 3 years ago. I feel that hrt would be a safer option  for osteoporosis than the bone building drugs.


 Getting the drivers license renewed next week with real id.  Also planning to join a gym geared toward older folks in January.  


@DaveMcK    Do you have a health club at the retirement complex?  Perhaps using it or using it more could help with A1C?  I find the more I exercise the better I feel.  I really let myself go for 6 years while mom was sick.  It has taken 2 years to regain some fitness.

Honored Social Butterfly

Yes we have a gym with many types of equipment. We can pay to have personal trainer but they are booked up most of the time.

We can walk inside when the weather is not very nice. We are having very cold tempetures now. My wife does a lot of chair exercises programs on her cellphone.


Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi folks,  Seems like we have been waiting for winter in vain and now it is here with a vengence.  We are having a high of 49 today.   Hope everyone is well.   All critters and I are well, just one more doctor appointment to go.  Then a new drivers license.  Always something to not look forward to. 

You can do it! Always something is just life.  Go as far as you can and you do it! Try to keep going so you don't give up.  You are worth it!

P. S. Don't be afraid to ask for help. 

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@LaDolceVita wrote:

Hi folks,  Seems like we have been waiting for winter in vain and now it is here with a vengence.  We are having a high of 49 today.   Hope everyone is well.   All critters and I are well, just one more doctor appointment to go.  Then a new drivers license.  Always something to not look forward to. 

@LaDolceVita wrote:

Hi folks,  Seems like we have been waiting for winter in vain and now it is here with a vengence.  We are having a high of 49 today.   Hope everyone is well.   All critters and I are well, just one more doctor appointment to go.  Then a new drivers license.  Always something to not look forward to. 

I agree that there always something.

I had my annual physical on November 18th and most things where fine except that my A1C was higher again.

Hope your next appointment goes well.

Our snow is all melted but we are having cooler temperature and more snow soon.

Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

@LaDolceVita ...Yes! Our high today was/is 37! Had to get out the winter jacket and gloves last night so I could run errands in relative comfort today. It was windy, rainy, and some wet flakes mixed in also. We sure need the precipitation but could do without the wind! I rewarded myself with a Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks on the way home. 😻

Stay safe!

Honored Social Butterfly

We had our first snow fall here over the last 24 ours. We got about 3" of snow which turned to rain this evening.

It sounds like the body shops will be fixing several cars.

Glad we are in a retirement center and do not have to shovel any of the snow.


Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

I am not the Moderater of Our Front Porch Group. I am a person that has maitained it and done most of the posting in most of the topics. 

I do it to entertain the people who like to see a senior joke, read a quote or view a lighthouse.

Most of them do not post on the internet but like what we post here. Some of the topics have around 800,000 views.

Do you new posters want to take their entertain away from them?

They are not interested in the political debates that are taking place here now. Like in the past they will turn into peeing matches as they did in years past.

Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Had a hellatious storm last night.  Thunder.  Wind.  Rain.  Rain. More RAIN.  I heard a big CRACK and knew it wasn't thunder and looked out windows, but didn't see anything.  Kitty encampment was still standing, but hard to see much else in the pitch dark.  Went out this morning to feed the kids and guess what?


--- Giorgio surveys the mess and Willie Mae (barely seen to the right) just wondering where her food is. --- Giorgio surveys the mess and Willie Mae (barely seen to the right) just wondering where her food is.



@ChasKy53 , Gabby cat is beautiful. 😽 Cats sometimes make us forget everything else, because, of course as you know, cats will demand our full attention and nothing else matters.  Not in their world anyway. 😁

Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...Yikes! We also had rain last night and more today. I thought I was hearing thunder, but I wasn't sure. They say the northern parts of our nearby counties may see some snow. The Poconos is getting some for sure.

Glad the kitties are safe!

Honored Social Butterfly

MsStetch…looks like you weren’t just hearing stuff, something actually took place. 
Good news, Kitty appears to be safe. 

Trusted Social Butterfly

@DaveMcK   Agree, should not get political here!!

Honored Social Butterfly

My Gabby Cat:



Honored Social Butterfly

Chas…cute. We’ve had two longtime Kitty friends pass within the last six months. They are missed, but we think that they had pretty good lives with us. 

Honored Social Butterfly

Bill @williamb39198 , have you guys thought of getting another cat?


[*** @williamb39198 wrote:

Chas…cute. We’ve had two longtime Kitty friends pass within the last six months. They are missed, but we think that they had pretty good lives with us. ***]

Honored Social Butterfly

I am thinking of pulling out of all of the Front Porch Gourps if AARP allows politics into the Front Porch Group.

I've seen what can happen if political groups are allowed in as before.

There is no such thing as polite political debates. I've seen it here before and it did not work.



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Dave…why? AARP anpparently already came to bat for you, and deleted a couple of the topics. Was it AARP, maybe I’m wrong. 

Honored Social Butterfly

AARP or the poster are the only ones that can delete a post!

Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
0 Kudos
Trusted Social Butterfly

@DaveMcK ...Love the sign, but please don't leave us!

Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 , used to have a black cat I got TNR'd, but Willie Mae hated him and he would terrorize her just for spite.  Armani would not hesitate to go inside though (think he was a stray, not a true feral).  He mostly hung out at my neighbor's house, but he was no stranger here either.  He was quite a talker.  He would want out at the most inopportune moments and start loudly meowing and I would yell, "Shut up, Armani and go back to sleep!" and he would when he saw I had no intention of getting out of bed.  I don't know if ignoring Mister will do any good or not.  But, of course, at the time I still had my indoor cat (Delilah was black, too), so I had a litterbox.


I miss my black cats. 🐈🐈

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