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@catwoman500 , congrats on an Eagles 🦅 win, although condolences to @DaveMcK for the loss. Hard to believe it's that time of year again.
Glad to hear everyone is hanging in there in spite of the travails life keeps throwing at us. Mick Jagger warned us.
🎵 What a drag it is getting old.🎵
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Hola! @MsStretch
Thanks! Yeah, It was a back-and-forth game for sure, and I still don't get why our first "home game" was in Brazil! 🦅
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Lol @catwoman500 , the team needed a VACATION 😂🤣
[*** CATWOMAN wrote: Hola! Thanks! Yeah, It was a back-and-forth game for sure, and I still don't get why our first "home game" was in Brazil! 🦅 ***]
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🎂Happy birthday, @Spring2025 . For your viewing pleasure:
Willie Mae demonstrates the proper usage of the Willie Mae stick. Handy for feral cats who tend to get over stimulated and will not hesitate to grab an exposed hand.
Giorgio enjoying a tummy rub with the Willie Mae stick and making air biscuits
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Hello folks, I am still alive and well, actually doing very well. I made it to my initial annual physical, no problems on blood work or exam. Keeping the blood glucose and blood pressure within reason although not where I would like. Heading for calcium score and bone density test next week. I kind of expect problems with both.
Weather turning cooler thankfully although we will have another hot week before Labor Day. All dogs, chickens doing well. Deer rampaging in the garden. Moving here is the smartest and best thing I have done in a long time 😍.
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1 comment [Saturday 8/24/24 12:58pm ET]
Well my door curtain from Amazon got delivered TODAY and got working on it and just FINISHED.
Mr. 🐈 was IN AND OUT during installation and after.
Lucky for me, my door is METAL and I didnot use all of the curtain and the part I use has the MAGNETS for CLOSURE.
So NO closure needed as magnets close on door. GRATEFUL!!!
▶️***(1) @MsStretch , my birthday is NEXT MONTH, can you post a picture of Queen Willie Mae 🐈 and Prince Giorgio 🐈 as my gift. I seem to remember you had posted when you had more furbabies. Lol, tempted to go try to find those darling pictures.
▶️***(2) @DaveMcK , I hope you and Mary are well.
▶️***(3) @Therapist4u , thanks for all the kudos and support in other forums. Gosh, I even gave everyone kudos HERE = stopped being lazy.
▶️***(4) @LaDolceVita and @catwoman500 , I finally broke down, stopped crying and re-installed my free PBS android app only to find out no more Grantchester. Hmmm, when does it return and do we get the same Vicar? So far Sydney has been my favorite and was so glad I was able to binge on his episodes on Prime. I still miss the other channels with shows I really luved. Lol, lots and lots of INTELLIGENT programs now which totally bore me. But at least ALL channels have the SAME Masterpiece so I will get to see All Creatures in January as Catwoman told me.
▶️***(5) Last, but well luved BIG BRO. Hope the sale went through @Frozenoem .
Nicole 🙃🙃🙃
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Back to no notifications, even with tags, so I just happened to see this as I was scrolling for a minute....thanks!
In short, not doing well...b/c some meds still in short supply &/or backordered ...or Docs keep rescheduling & delaying imp RXs...altho did have another epidural which helped a bit....with sparse RX this year = new areas like hip now hurting along with knees, back, hand etc.....that basturdArthur Itis acting like Pac Man >>>>eatin up all da jointz....but not a gonna give Siree BOB! LOL!
Just not up ta no mo wrtin rite now....
Miss y’all good FRONT PORCH PEEPS.....besides you NICOLE....that’d be @DaveMcK & the other 3 fine womanz here >>>> @LaDolceVita @MsStretch @catwoman500 and of course hoping for the best... for the best FROZE I know.... @Frozenoem
In the areas experiencing the dangerous heat sure to limit your time outdoors and stay hydrated!
Stay safe....&...Take care!
☮️ 🌩 🌦 ~Allen
🌈 ⛵ 🌞
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@Spring2025 , obviously you won't be able to leave your door open. So Mr. will have to get used to closed doors. If he is inside, he will let you know he wants out and all you can do is just periodically check when he is outside. I was going to suggest that the only other option is a cat door when I saw your most recent post. But you rent? The landlord might have something to say about that. 🙄
Since Mr. is already comfortable coming inside and making himself at home, you might want to seriously consider introducing a litter box. When it is bitterly cold and snowing, he might be less likely to want to go outside, and if he has "options", he won't have to. Last resort would be to provide some sort of outdoor shelter. The cheapest alternative is a styrofoam cooler or meat packing box (for insulation), easy to cut a door in the side, weigh the lid down, and fill it with straw, not blankets. Straw also has insulating properties and they can burrow or nest in it. Blankets will retain moisture and are not good at maintaining a cat's body heat.
Welcome to winter cat camping. I remember the kids' first winter. Any chance at trying to domesticate them and get them to come inside was a dismal failure. On of their first shelters was a styrofoam Omaha Meats box. Still have it and the occasional possum will use it. However, Willie Mae and Giorgio's winter encampment has evolved over the years (coming up on their 8th winter) to igloos and heated kitty beds and sheds (and yes, it can get expensive), but since Mr. will come inside, that's a major step. And we have seen other ferals come and go. I dearly miss Stellar (Giorgio's brother), Boz, Armani, BUC every day. 😢😿
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Alrighty then ai live kinda. Thought tremors no problem then learned more side effects come with Parkinson’s Disease.
Still attempting to clean house for new possible owner, only 6 more rooms and attic and garage.
While attempting to remain upright on large quantity of med’s and pain killers.
At least I found my library book from 5 years ago to return. Niece packed it pre-pandemic from my home library. , only took me 6 years to locate 🤬.
Moral of story never get assistance from someone that has never moved.
So consider me absent for awhile more, need to find my happy place on medications. Functioning vs Stoned- honestly feel like I’m in the 1960-70’s again on most days.
Bold text is not shouting, it’s an attempt to see my typing. Can’t see optometrist until O get my vax and other shots on Monday. Then maybe I can lose my hippy hairdo and get a shave, in 2 more weeks.
Will have suggestions on cat doors for sliders (sliding glass doors for apt’s when happy med balance happens - maybe. Might require pocket hole jig from Lowe’s $30 and 1x1’s for windows or 2x4’s for sliding doors, and polyisocyanurate . If you don’t live in crime rampant area.
Dreadful having construction background, (diy level)and attempting to explain again.Easier just to do, than explain.Translation my verbal skills have disappeared for the moment.🤬
@Therapist4u I’m really hearing you.
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@Spring2025 , oh my goodness, I didn't know that Mr. had actually started coming inside. Congratulations on becoming one of the lucky recipients of the CDS (Cat Distribution System). Looks like you're his new adopted mom. 😻
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@Spring2025, just came in from taking Willie Mae and Giorgio on a short walkabout and/or pee break if needed while it is still sunny out and before the remnants of Debby move in. 🌧️. Willie Mae plopped in some shady spot and after a few belly rubs with her stick, she seemed content to stay in her spot. Giorgio followed me to the door for his 'obligatory' treats (said facetiously, only he thinks they're obligatory 😼), and who am I to disappoint him.
I am sure Ms. G has set her son straight on the care of Mr., but it's great that you have taken over as the "other mom". 😻
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I like watching the track & field events.
For sure, the American athletes in swimming and gymnastics were incredible!
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How many of you are watching the Olympics?
Mary and I have been watching most of it.
We mainly like to follow swimming and gymnastics. Our three Daughters were competative swimmers and two of them swam in college on scholarship. We understand what the athletes parents went through with athletes training and competition meets taking up much of your life.
What are your favorite Olympic sports.
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1 comment [8/4/24] Thank you SO MUCH for your support Allen!!! Nicole 🤗🤗🤗
[*** ALLEN wrote: Hi Nicole. Yes ....finally getting Notifications.....
Hi Therapist4u,
TakeThatStepTODAY mentioned you in a post!
Take care Nicole!......
and all y’all PORCHERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
☮️ 🌩🌦~Allen 🌈 ⛵ 🌞 ***]
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@Frozenoem I am having a hard time picturing you in another place! Good luck with house sale, always great to get an offer.
Still hot and humid here, my countdown to the September has begun. We have finally been able to mow, to the relief of my dogs. They do not like tall wet grass.
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OK then I’m kinda here, heat has taken its toll on me. A/C will hopefully go on today. Someone gave me an offer on the house and I’m trying to clean it up and out.
I really, really don’t need 9 rooms finished or 3 rooms unfinished or the 2 1/2 bay garage, etc.Also tend to wonder if I can keep heating with wood and oil.
With luck he’ll get financing and I’m off to NH or the flatlands. So if you don’t see me here often, I’m around.
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HI Froze! @Frozenoem....
Always glad to see your post here😃....even if you’re only “kinda here” 😎🤣LOL!..... & hope you’re doing well!
Howz ya health? spite of having to put up with the heat and humidity....
remember that >>>>> 🍂 FALL 🍂 IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER 🍂 LOL!....
& other than the old bugaboos>>>>>the left & right 1.finger salutes (swollen up) and wrist and lower back....are they any better now? Are you getting around OK?
RE: “Someone gave me an offer on the house ......that’s great news!!.👍...and trying to clean it up and out...the 9 rooms finished, 3 rooms unfinished...and the 2 1/2 bay garage, etc.....well....As @catwoman500 mentioned.... That is quite an undertaking!
Anyway...Please... both of y’all,.....have a wonderful weekend too!
Stay safe....&...KEEP COOL...& HYDRATED!
Take care friends!
☮️ 🚤 🌄🍦 ~Allen 🌈 ⛵ 🎨 🛶
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Hi Nicole
Yes ....finally getting Notifications.....
Hi Therapist4u,
TakeThatStepTODAY mentioned you in a post!
Take care Nicole!......
and all y’all PORCHERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
@DaveMcK @catwoman500 @MsStretch @Frozenoem @LaDolceVita
☮️ 🌩🌦~Allen 🌈 ⛵ 🌞
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Hello Porchers! I am tired from the heat and daily rain but otherwise OK. I take a nap after lunch and wake up groggy due to humidity. It does not dry up long enough to mow the yard and walking is harder than normal and more hazardous. I mean snakes. Have only seen 2 copper heads since moving here but I would not like to step on a large black snake either. Does not look like a change is coming any time soon in the weather department, although it can shift quickly here. Oh yeah, dead branches on trees get saturated and fall, happening a lot lately.
My doctor's appointment was canceled at the last minute due to the PA not showing up so I have to get psyched up again to drink black coffee & hurry up to make an 8:30 appointment.
Somehow I must make time for Hotel Portofino, I really liked it last year. Location a big plus! One of my all-time PBS favorites, Doc Martin had a wonderful location too.
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[7/27/24] So NO Grantchester tomorrow Catwoman/lol 😂🤣
On the serious side, I am assuming we have ANOTHER episode? I tend NOT to find this out. Do you know IF All Creatures is returning and when?
Nicole 👵
[*** CATWOMAN wrote: Hi Dave. Yes, I'll be watching all events that I like. My faves are swimming, diving, and gymnastics. ***]
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Your vicar will not be returning it”: the sports car vicar for the next several seasons, on Grantchester. If my satellite Tv is correct.
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I APPRECIATE you responding BIG BRO @Frozenoem 🤗🤗🤗
[*** BIG BRO wrote: Your vicar will not be returning it”: the sports car vicar for the next several seasons, on Grantchester. If my satellite Tv is correct.
Froze ***]
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@Spring2025 ... All Creatures new season starts January 7th.
As for tomorrow...I will be taking a break from Olympics for the new season of Hotel Portofino and Grantchester of course! 😸
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