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Honored Social Butterfly


Top of the morning to everyone on this First day of
MARCH 2025 
Happy Birthday to all of our MARCH Birthday members.






Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Aha @catwoman500 , I was correct!!! Just found your SO CUTE 2024 St. Patrick's Day post. (attached). I am looking forward to this year 2025 post.  😉




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Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 , if it says you owe $0, then that means you owe $0. 😊 Yep, think you're off the hook.


Also, I see Mister claimed the most comfortable spot in the house. 😸


@LaDolceVita , I always offer to buy the eggs.  I do see signs peeps put up in their front yards advertising they have fresh eggs to sell. But I'm glad your hubby loves them.


Not too long ago, I went over to the chickens' coop with some leftovers and the chickens came bopping across the yard to meet me. 😲 (They are kept in a big enclosure with hen house because of all the critters around here -- foxes, etc.)  I texted the neighbor and I wanted try and herd them back, but Giorgio was following me and I didn't want to make a situation worse. The cats don't usually mess with the chickens, but I didn't want to see what would happen when they're free roaming.  Giorgio was a good boy and didn't do a thing.  Anyway, the neighbor came out and we got all the chickens herded back.  They had gotten out a side door of their house that apparently wasn't securely locked.


Honored Social Butterfly

Lol @MsStretch , this month he has started to come over to my chair when I am in it and puts his front paws on my lap for me to lift him up into my lap.  💛

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@Spring2025   I think you are off the hook, if Medicare statement says you owe 0.

@catwoman500   I searched PBS for Jane Austen but did not find any new shows.  Please advise,  I love Jane Austen.  @MsStretch  Noone has offered to pay for our eggs, we gavesome to neighbors when we had too many.  It would be nice if they would offer to buy some for $5 bucks or so, but no such nice neighbors.    It costs us tons of money to have chickens,  probably $10 per dozen eggs they lay, but they are pets, my husband loves them.   I like them too, fun to watch.

Trusted Social Butterfly

@LaDolceVita ...I had an email from our local PBS station, and it listed the upcoming shows. They said Miss Austen, a 4-part series would start May 4th...HA...May the Fourth be with you! 😀

"Miss Austen," a four-part miniseries starring Keeley Hawes, will premiere on Masterpiece on PBS on Sunday, May 4, 2025, at 9/8c. 
Here's a summary of the show:
  • Premise: The series explores the relationship between Jane Austen and her sister Cassandra, focusing on why Cassandra burned Jane's letters after her death. 
  • Based on: The series is based on the novel by Gill Hornby. 
  • Starring: Keeley Hawes, Rose Leslie, and other actors. 
  • Adaptation: The series is adapted by Andrea Gibb." 
Honored Social Butterfly

I had a pet chicken when I was age 5 @LaDolceVita . My dad was an Engineer, but we lived on a farm in their I guess you could call a guest house. He had just graduated from university and had not bought a home as yet. Anyway, I would try to teach my chicken how to READ and could NOT understand why it ATE the books./lol  🤣😂

Honored Social Butterfly

Mister sends his LUV  💛


*** Attachment (getting his handsome sleep in). I am glad one of us gets to nap TODAY  🙄




Honored Social Butterfly

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Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 , my neighbor/landlord is a member of Prime, but she didn't know it included Prime Video, too, so I told her no sense it going to waste, I would use it.  So freebie for me.  Netflix is usually my go-to for streaming though and I do pay for that.


@catwoman500 , haven't seen the pitties since the incident and Willie Mae is doing fine.  Just saw orange stranger cat saunter by outside my window though. 🐈


I'm with you about watching TV/movies on a phone.  Can't do it.  I have two Roku TVs, one upstairs and one downstairs.  The one downstairs is a 4K, but TVs are so much cheaper now or were when I bought them.


The best way to learn your way around a smartphone/tablet is start pushing buttons and see what they do.  I remember switching from Android to iPhone and thought I would never get the hang of it.  Pushed buttons and used their Tips app and now when I try to use an Android I am totally flummoxed, but Androids have changed/updated a lot since I used one.


 @LaDolceVita , do you sell your eggs?  A neighbor has 10 chickens and I get free eggs (even though I have offered to pay for them) in exchange for any leftovers.  They love cat food!

Honored Social Butterfly

@MsStretch , I was NEVER one for watching TV, too busy with other things. Gosh, it has been over 30 years since I had one.


Lol, being in a Studio Apt fits in well with using my Android = tiny with tiny.  🤣😂


Still NOT into watching too much TV or movies and can use my iPad as needed.


Luv to the kids.  🐈💛🐈

Honored Social Butterfly

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch  Just read the harrowing tale of pit bull chasing Wllie Mae.  Thank goodness all is well.  @Spring2025   We usually sow marigolds directly into regular flower pots after April 15.   Not sure if we can do ornamentals this year, we have 14 rambunctious chickens into everything.  Cant leave garage doors open, they lay eggs in there too, poop everywhere and knock stuff over.  


I notice we have become the Porch Ladies!  Our men friends, even @DaveMcK , are certainly quiet. Would be nice to hear from them.

Honored Social Butterfly

@LaDolceVita , I use this when I am discussing stuff that only interest us ladies @catwoman500 @MsStretch .


I am still VERY CONCERNED about Big Bro @Frozenoem . He had posted LAST YEAR in the Health Forum about his Parkinsons.  💛


And poor Allen @Therapist4u , poor guy - WAY TOO pain. I am sure he will stop by when he can.  💛


YOU WROTE: I notice we have become the Porch Ladies!


*** This site has chased people away my dear with the censoring, not fixing the daily complaints posted, and deleting people's opinions. ***


Anyway Porcher Lady/lol - SO GOOD to hear from you. Happy Dancing!!! 🙃

Trusted Social Butterfly

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Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 , doing the same this December.  😭  and hoping there will be NICE youngsters when I stop by T-Mobile. My daughter had insisted on buying me a Samsung Galaxy J3 in 2018. YES, way past update time & she has been after me. It took FOREVER to learn the Android after having a Tracfone Flip Phone forever. Anyway, she pried the flip phone out of my fingers and added me to her account.


Take care  🙃

Honored Social Butterfly

[Sunday 3/9/25]  👋  @catwoman500 @MsStretch @LaDolceVita , hope you are well!!!


(1) Dolce, I finally gave into signing up for Prime for the CHEAP plan. Wow, I didnot realize they had SO MANY 7-day free trials. Lol, of course you NEED to go into your account and click on DONOT renew if you are not interested in channel. TODAY my mhz trial ends at 3pm ET = been bingeing on Agatha Christie Crime Games in French with English Subtitles.


*** Catwoman & Ms. Stretch, do you guys watch Prime? I have the free app on my Android cell phone. ***


(2) Catwoman, any PBS shows you are looking forward to watching? I need to make some time to go to their WEBSITE. Not sure what is happening TONIGHT. Hope they have some NEW mysteries lined up. But NOT alot of violence.  🙄

Honored Social Butterfly

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Honored Social Butterfly

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Honored Social Butterfly

@MsStretch , typo - 3 legged.  🙄

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...Holy Cow...what a scare that was! 😿

Honored Social Butterfly

Hmmm, where is everyone???  🤔


Well you guys ENJOY your weekend!!!  🙃

Honored Social Butterfly

  [Friday 3/7/25] SO GLAD my Radio Station just mentioned the TIME CHANGE for THIS Sunday. Totally forgot!!!  😱  Would NOT be good to be LATE for my appointments. Anyway, pulled out ALL my reminder notes.  🙄  Reset microwave manually, same with my home clock and 2006 Hyundai Elantra clock. GRATEFUL cell does it auto. (1) Which time change, IF any - do you like? Why? Me, don't like any of them but if I had to choose one - I like March's change. NOT as dark when it should be light in my opinion. (2) Lol, any times you FORGOT to change stuff that needs to be RESET manually? Me, oh yes before I retired. I was the only one at work and wondering why parking garage was EMPTY./lol  😂🤣  Needless to say I was the Joke Of The Day.


HAPPY Friday...

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Honored Social Butterfly

[Thursday 3/6/25] @MsStretch , I just sent you a PM. Sweet dreams!!!  😴

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Honored Social Butterfly

[Wednesday 3/5/25] @MsStretch , the ORANGE cat  🐈  - is it still hanging around? If YES, is it a stray? Does it interact with you? Luv to the kids.  🐈💛🐈


YOU WROTE: She has developed an annoying habit though. In the evening, she will not eat on my deck instead running off expecting me to follow her (and of course, I do) and then, heads to a garage door where she eats. I suspect it is due to the orange stranger cat that sometimes shows up to help himself to any vittles. Giorgio will not hesitate to stop him and run him off and protect his mom, but Willie Mae does not like confrontation.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 , as a matter of fact, a friend/neighbor and I went for a 5-mile hike at Crow's Nest just this past Saturday. It is one of VA's natural preserve areas that has quite a history spanning Native American, the colonial era, and the Civil War.  We took the Crows Nest Point Trail which also takes us past an old family cemetery.


Started out with the weather sunny and nippy, but warmed up in the sun.  Towards the end though, the sun disappeared and the wind picked up and it got downright chilly. I'll admit I was feeling some stiffness and soreness in my hamstrings, but haven't really done that much hiking this winter. 😞 How fast we can get out of shape. 🫤


Also plan on returning to Shenandoah NP soon to resume searching for abandoned history -- old homesites and cemeteries.  Maybe this week. 🤞


Willie Mae & Giorgio back at Mister. 😺😸

Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...You go, Girl!

Honored Social Butterfly

[Sunday 3/2/25] @MsStretch do you have any hikes planned?  🤔  Hopefully the weather has been nice for you. Lol, we have had a mixture = winter popping up in the midst of spring. Oh well, grateful no more snow so far. But as we both know for Virginia there can be a late seasonal arrival. Hope not!!! Anyway, Mister  🐈  sends his luv as usual for Queen Willie Mae  🐈  and Prince Giorgio  🐈.

Trusted Social Butterfly

.I usually buy impatiens in 6 packs already blooming.  We do marigolds from seeds.  Letus know how you make out.

Honored Social Butterfly

@LaDolceVita , when do you do your Marigold seeds? Guess what, they are sprouting!!!  🙃  My 1st time sowing seeds. 📸  TWO PICTURES ATTACHED.

Lol, had to use my MAGNIFYING GLASS to see them.  🤣😂






[*** DOLCE wrote:

.I usually buy impatiens in 6 packs already blooming.  We do marigolds from seeds.  Letus know how you make out. ***]

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