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Forum Merge - Leave Your Feedback

Community Manager
Community Manager

Forum Merge - Leave Your Feedback

Hello Community Members! We will be merging this forum into the more general Friends & Family forum, but before we do, we want to hear from you! Please let us know your thoughts or suggestions, and we will take them into consideration before we do anything.




0 Kudos
Social Butterfly


Thanks Fred for your service to our community... awesome what you do to help others


I'll go checkout Grief forum went there years ago when lost my mom and a best friend.....

Again thanks for being great person you are

Take care stay safe

Ginger  ;  ) 

@fffred wrote:



Thank you, @gm5271 , for your reply. It reminds me of some other thoughts on this.


I agree that merging the forums and depending on "tags" to be able to find all related posts is inconvenient, to say the least. I am pretty handy on web forums but I probably wouldn't even bother with it if I had to filter/search for tags. And I doubt that someone not so savvy as I am would not even know how and would give up. This is okay maybe in a "hobby" or "work" forum, but not good for someone as sensitive as divorce.


Another point is that this forum is similar to the /Caregiving/Grief and Loss forum. That also does not get a lot of traffic. I view it on occasion. A number of times I have been struck by a new post, someone's loss, perhaps a particularly poignant loss such as a child, and I've replied with what I can right away. Sometimes I have seen such posts languish for a day or so and then I have stepped in, to the best of my abilities.


The "Grief" forum has some extremely touching stories, and some very touching supportive replies. I have often directed newly grieving to read through the forum (and sometimes to particular threads that talked of a similar situation) in order that they might find some comfort through there by reading.


It would be very difficult for me to say "well, go to the Friends and Family forum and search for posts about people who have lost someone, there are some there but ignore the ones about picnics and holidays". This is just not the same, not in the least. In my opinion. And it's not the same as simply scrolling through a forum that is all related to "my" issue and I don't have extraneous posts to distract me.


Just my two bits.   :- )



0 Kudos
Social Butterfly


Thanks a bunch Rachel 

Great decision

I will search my papers cause I printed some topics few years ago to refer to when needed... for ones that really were good


Also will try do some posts.... maybe a checkin asking how folks doing & such

Again thanks for keeping it as is.... agree with @fffred  Fred easily be found

Stay safe and have a beautiful Sunday & week

Ginger  ;  )

0 Kudos
Social Butterfly

Thank you @AARPRachelA for your decision to maintain this topic on its own.


Another point occurs to me now. And that is that someone who is in need of support on this issue (senior. and divorce.) would be more likely to spot this forum as it stands alone, rather than thinking to post in or read through the more general forum. 


Thank you again!



@AARPRachelA wrote:

Thank you @gm5271 and @fffred for your feedback! We hear you and will not merge this forum. @gm5271 what topics would you like to have brought back up? Please feel free to start new posts that you feel are beneficial!



Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you @gm5271 and @fffred for your feedback! We hear you and will not merge this forum. @gm5271 what topics would you like to have brought back up? Please feel free to start new posts that you feel are beneficial!

Social Butterfly



Thank you, @gm5271 , for your reply. It reminds me of some other thoughts on this.


I agree that merging the forums and depending on "tags" to be able to find all related posts is inconvenient, to say the least. I am pretty handy on web forums but I probably wouldn't even bother with it if I had to filter/search for tags. And I doubt that someone not so savvy as I am would not even know how and would give up. This is okay maybe in a "hobby" or "work" forum, but not good for someone as sensitive as divorce.


Another point is that this forum is similar to the /Caregiving/Grief and Loss forum. That also does not get a lot of traffic. I view it on occasion. A number of times I have been struck by a new post, someone's loss, perhaps a particularly poignant loss such as a child, and I've replied with what I can right away. Sometimes I have seen such posts languish for a day or so and then I have stepped in, to the best of my abilities.


The "Grief" forum has some extremely touching stories, and some very touching supportive replies. I have often directed newly grieving to read through the forum (and sometimes to particular threads that talked of a similar situation) in order that they might find some comfort through there by reading.


It would be very difficult for me to say "well, go to the Friends and Family forum and search for posts about people who have lost someone, there are some there but ignore the ones about picnics and holidays". This is just not the same, not in the least. In my opinion. And it's not the same as simply scrolling through a forum that is all related to "my" issue and I don't have extraneous posts to distract me.


Just my two bits.   :- )


Social Butterfly



Thanks Fred for sharing I agree with your thoughts, thanks


This forum was where I 1st came when discovered AARP had a Community site and I found great comfort in many of the posts here even very old ones were helpful and comforting which led me to join community in order to post then became active in several other forums


As you stated Fred its not very active but it is a very unique topic that needs to stand alone for persons seeking help and info on this particular topic

Yes, @AARPRachelA Rachel it could be argued that could possibly find in search or with  tags but wouldn't be same nor do the great service it can provide as it is now


I'm thinking since I'm still in same circumstances as was when 1st become community member possibly I should do a post to get it more current


Again I'd like it to remain & possibly some of the topics I found 5 years ago be brought to top 


Thanks for your service Rachel and for offering us an opportunity to share our thoughts b4 any decisions are made. Other areas of community haven't given members that choice. So Thanks

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend

Ginger  ;  ) 

Social Butterfly



While this is not a particularly active forum I think it's good to stand alone. Thankfully I have no personal need for it but I have found the forum worthwhile to read through a number of times. I appreciate that the topic is in one place and undiluted with unrelated posts.


Just my opinion.


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