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Ex is leaving the country.

After 44 years my husband divorced me this year. It is due to irreconcilable differences. I have changed during our marriage and he did not like it. He also claims that I have treated him badly but it was not physical. I admit that I have not been nice to him all the time but he has hurted me too. We did not have children by choice - just cats. Anyway, during our marriage, he worked as a truck driver - over the road - and an airline employee. He retired from the airlines early because he is in poor health - COPD with 30% lung function. He is Facebook friends with some young women from the Phillipines and they want him to move there. He is determined to do so and will be leaving in early October. We are not rich and he claims that they know that. He talks with one of more them every day. They have told him that they will take care of him. He will lose his Medicare over there. He hates 

America and wants to leave. I don't think he would do this if his mother was still here. He is all that she had left. I always said that when his mother dies, there would be nothing left to keep him here. I guess he took me up on that. I will stay where I am at because I can't afford to go anywhere else. I kept the condo and the car - all paid off. 

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I guess I do not know what your question really is.  I would think there is no way you can stop him. BUT I do know your EX is stupid.  There was a man in my office close to retirement.  He was dupped the same way.  All the girls wanted was to be able to get American citizenship. He married her and she divorced him as soon as she got her citizenship.  In the end, I guarantee you that he will be hurt very badly.

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