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Advice please on  how to choose  a realtor who is sensitive and compassionate to someone moving from a house they have lived in for decades.I keep interacting with realtors with “dollar signs “ in their eyes and little feelings.Thanks

Super Contributor

I know how you feel. I used to be a realtor way back in the day; not anymore though, but am thinking about doing it again now in retirement. 


A way to handle that situation with realtors like you've experienced before is to interview them WITHOUT TELLING THEM what to say or not say during the interview, then go with the one who suits you the best. 


Choosing a Real Estate Broker is a very personal choice.  There are thousands of brokers in the USA and you are correct, some do seem like they have dollar signs in their eyes and don't seem to have feelings for the client.  It is important to interview several brokers to find one that fits your needs and personality! You will be spending many hours with the person or team you choose, so being a good fit is very important.  If you do choose one and find that you are not a good fit or they are not meeting your needs sever your relationship and move on, just make sure any paperwork you sign upfront will allow you to do that.  It is always a good idea to find a broker thru referrals from friends and family. They usually know your personality and can refer you to someone they have used in the past that could be a good fit.  Selling your home of many years is very difficult and emotional! We are real estate brokers ourselves and sold our home of many years and it was very hard to look forward while the memories keep pulling you back.  But in the long run, change can be fun and energizing! 


Just remember please that there are many brokers in the industry that will take great care in getting you home listed and sold while making sure the process is as easy as possible for you while knowing this is a difficult time for you.  So keep interviewing! And good luck on your new adventure!



Honored Social Butterfly



I am not getting the correlation -they have a job to do; they don't get paid unless the house sells - Can you explain a bit more about what you are experiencing - perhaps I am not just understanding your complaint.

It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Regular Contributor

Try putting yourself in the place of someone who has lived in a house for decades,raised kids,had grandkids visit,had decades of memories.I worked in the medical field,took care of people who had to leave their homes.It is heart wrenching.Then to talk to realtors whose only concern is the almighty dollar,no compassion or sensitivity,just cold hearted hope one day someone treats them better when their time comes then they treat you.

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