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I am so frustrated. My son's intake was done in February so he can get benefits under his Dad. He already has SSI since 2017 so they know he is disabled. Today was my fifth call to again tell me that it's still pending medical records review. I have been told to call this # for someone to say nope can't help gotta call here and there and everywhere. My disability case says it is 35% completed and usually takes 11 months to finish which makes no sense to me, since they already denied me once and we're only missing the medical records from May of last year until the claim was filed again which was April of this year. They have and are receiving every update between my pain management, psychiatrist, and therapist. It should not take another 11 months and, when it was refiled it was added in that I am now widowed and the only person raising my disabled child with my physical and mental limitations. I really thought today if I could reach through the phone I probably would have choked someone and they're lucky that I was being civil and professional or a few bad words would have been said. At this point, I am calling my local congressman which I did with my son's SSI and Bam, as soon as it got marked as under Congressional review it got approved. But, like this is something else I need on top of everything else. My back is getting worse everyday, my mental state is all over the place so they gave me new medicine to be able to concentrate, which at this point I guess it's not reached its plateau so I have to wait a little while. I am just so tired physically mentally and emotionally because now it's all on me and it is way too overwhelming for me to handle. I had two panic attacks today and a lot of regret started going through my mind in regards to my husband and I don't know what to do. I hope, that someone reading this has been through something similar and give me some advice or suggestions. I would really appreciate it. Love you my friend Nicole.

Trusted Social Butterfly

Do you have a elder or senior center or service in your area try calling them to see if you can have a qualified middle person like an ombudsman to negotiate through all the red tape..and call your local representative or local tv help station which we have a couple her in MA...You shouldn't have to be going through hoops to get the benefits due to you...Take a breather and step back from the situation to get your mind and body under control..Ask your local church for help like volunteers to assist you in any way if that's possible. And say a prayer for the needed help

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