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Share stories of kindness and thank those who have helped you during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Share stories of kindness and thank those who have helped you during the coronavirus pandemic.

We’ve seen it time and time again: a crisis bringing out the best in people. From heroic healthcare workers to neighbors running errands for one another, the stories of kindness and support during this pandemic are everywhere.


What acts of kindness have you experienced? Is there anyone you would like to thank? Share your story and a warm thank you here.



A young man I helped years ago has been a blessing in many ways. He gave me a job, knowing I have some health issues. I'm 64, and in no way am I in trouble if I miss work. It happens often, to my shame. However he stills tells me not to stress over it. I feel guilt each and everytime. COVID 19 is no exception. His name is Jon Simental. Help someone, you never know when you'll need it!!!!


This is a heartfelt THANK YOU for all of the healthcare workers that persevere in the face of such hazardous conditions. The general populous should now grasp the fact that all the staff in healthcare facilities are absolutely heroic, just like firefighters, police and soldiers on a front line. The only difference is that this enemy, a virus, is invisible, making the duty truly frightening. How on Earth do we, the public, ever repay these selfless and courageous human beings? I think we need to openly acknowledge their contributions and never, ever, take them for granted. For my part, I would like to extend the most genuine and heartfelt greeting of which I am aware: “May you all live long and prosper”.


Candace and Lester in Oregon

Periodic Contributor

       Annie and Crista, while socially distancing, have been shopping for me each week when they go out to get groceries.  And they've rebuffed my efforts to reimburse them.  They say they are supporting [the] artists!  I hadn't been out of the house since March 17th but finally managed to go out and do some shopping, so this (the 6th, 7th, 8th?) week I should be able to give them a break.  Their kindness has done at least as much for my morale as for my stomach.  I have enjoyed Thanksgiving at their table since 2010--except for one year when I was sick and they brought the Thanksgiving to me--so I'm hoping that by the coming Thanksgiving Day we will be able to get together again!  

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We live in a senior living complex with 1000 residents in TX.  We have no (zero) COVID-19 cases, due to strong restrictions implemented weeks ago.  The kindness part is that Lowe's donated 1000 hanging plants (value $14.99 each) for Mothers' Day, and Uber drivers donated their trips to deliver all 1000 plants in the trunk of their cars - thank you Lowes and Uber drivers!

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I want to thank our daughter Tammy, who has a home care business for seniors. She brought us masks and disinfectant wipes which we could not find for the last 2 months. When going to the store it is not safe for us elderly people with ailments in the virus infested society. I do not think using the same mask for 2 months is a good idea. Here in Michigan with our gestapo governor it is impossible to get much of anything except partisan bs. We need to get to the hospital for tests, but they are closd due to her executive orders. Thank you again Tammy at Kelly Care.

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I'm very grateful for my sister in-law was there for me and my wife,when we heard of the virus we were having a bad month ,we lost our house ,our kids we had to separate our family,now we have to worry about our 4 girls and our son ,me and my wife are still hoping for a place to call home,so our family can be together again.thank you Robert


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I live with a wonderful family of 7 right now including my mother my father my grandmother that's 93 for taking care of my husband myself and my two amazing children. My nine-year-old daughter in which I'm homeschooling through this crisis and my five-year-old s o n that is starting kindergarten next year so helping him learn while homeschooling my daughter my family has been a real blessing to me my kids have been amazing through all this we are lucky to have all of us in the same Big Country House back in the woods that keep says busy and we are all staying positive. My father is a amazing pasture and just a wonderful person in general my mother still is this all hope helping us through all this and keeping us busy we go on adventures staying safe and quarantined at home but at least we have our family here together and a wonderful land to explore during this war we are now battling of the covid-19 time

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I am 53 years old and recently was diagnosed with Lupus and Dermatomyositis. It has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions,physical pain and a lot of  uncertainties.  

My sister who has been estranged from me for many years reached out to me offering help.  A tragedy in my family’s life nearly destroyed our family and I feared reaching out to anyone.

My sister and I are  re- establishing a sisterhood that I thought was lost forever. 

I am eternally grateful for this



We come out to Salome AZ from back east each year. This yr was so different with this coronavirus. We had been to town to both F$ and $G stores. NO toilet paper. So I was venting to our neighbor, Ka, and another camper, Fed. Well, within a day, both came with TP , Ka in the a.m. 6 pk and gave it. Would not take any money. In p.m. Fed came with a 6 pack as well that he picked up some 100 miles away. And he too would not take any cash pmt. Very, very sweet folks, no hoarding here between neighbors, friends. Helping each other in NEED. Thank you, Ka thank you Fed.

My granddaughter is 14 and this isolation is terrible for a teenager. I offered to have her come over so I could teach her to crochet. "G-Ma that's to hard". So she is now doing my laundry, arranging my cupboards and cleaning my trailer. Plus we are all enjoying the baked goods. She is baking cookies for us to enjoy. She is helping G-MA thru her cabin fever seeing as G-MA is not allowed out of her trailer. I love her dearly and one day she will be telling the story of this pandemic to her grandchildren. Stay safe everyone and god bless.


I was recently diagnosed with covid 19, and i will like to thank my 2 daughters,  and both of my sons, my older brother,  friends and families for their support trying to help me get through this, by helping, out with food , toilet tree, ect. I love you guys so much. Thanks for everything and God bless you all 😚🙏

Regular Contributor

A friend of ours has been going around the community drawing sidewalk chalk murals at everyone's homes.  He has chosen themes that relate to the recipients or symbols that just show love and kindness.      It is nice to know someone is thinking of you and even nicer to see something special outside your house as a reminder of the goodness of people, especially during a crisis.  

Regular Contributor

First I have to thank my wonderful daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter for helping others. My daughter Christine teaches, my son-in-law David is in food service and my granddaughter is a nurse.  And our son Dan for all his does to help us. I am so proud of all of them!

Next I want to give special thanks to Mike and his wife, Toma, for always being there to help us with any thing we need. My husband is in a wheelchair and I am unable to get him out of the house and into the car by myself, so Mike helps us each month get him to the Dr. Without his help we were paying $189. for a service to take him to the Dr. They have both been so kind to us in many ways.

And certainly not last our many friends near and far that offer support and encouragement.

We have so much to be thankful for in these scary times. Thank you AARP for giving us the opportunity to show our appreciation and for all the many things you do for senior citizens!

Periodic Contributor

Our local library has been closed. However, they sent out a message to library patrons offering to deliver up to three selections from the library catalog to 50 homes. The deliveries were based on a first come first served request. This was a part of their effort to celebrate May Day around our small community. It was so appreciated!

Periodic Contributor

There are SO many people, groups and businesses to thank during these long 6 weeks, and who knows how many to come. Today I'm so grateful for my friends, Deb and Patty, who have done FREE OrangeTheory workouts from home with me via Zoom.  I love that my favorite local Indian restaurant, Spice Kraft is taking curbside pickup and delivery orders and that my friend's restaurant, The Portofino, is making and delivering meals to hospital workers. I admire the talent and productivity of my friend Ruth who made us all masks.



And then for my companion, Charley, who is always by my side, doesn't complain about getting the same meals every day, watches whatever I choose, puts up with me without rolling his eyes and is always, always, always ready to start a new day with me.






I am 85 and at home alone! My daughter is my angel! she cooks meals for the whole family and I have "meals on wheels" thanks to my wonderful daughter!!! I sometimes drive over to her house pick up my meal(enough for 2 or 3 days) or sometimes weather permitting we eat out side on patio 6 fteet apart!

i all alone too, but my older brother just moved to my town who i have not seen since him his wife and kids move out of country, and my father too, his wife and my father are still out of the country, but i enjoy him moving back to to the place i live!


I was out taking my dog for a walk when a gust of wind took my hat and blew it into the street.  A kind gentleman who was in a truck stopped at a light, raced out of his car, grabbed my hat and returned it to me.  I thought that was very generous of his time and inconveniousing himself to help me out.  I am partially disabled and unable to "race" anywhere.  What a kindness.  Thank you seemed so little for his kind response. 


Hello, being 65 and in that danger zone of being infected and thank god so far I have been infected because I am very careful about who and where I come in contact with others, this dire time of crisis brings out the best, and sadly sometimes the worse, in people, and in as much as nobody has personally helped me as I am self sufficient I would like to thank my ex grilfriend's sister Marianne who notified me of a food bank in my area just in case I needed it, I thanked her for her kindness and explained to her that I was ok and that she should try to contact others that might be in need which I believe she did---and I would like to peronally thank each and every one of the frontline workers (scientists and health professionals who are working feverishly to control the spread and find vaccines and cures for all viruses, medical personnel, certain government officials providing guidelines to control this situation, police and fire employees, volunteers at assistance locations, supermarket employees, all the store employees that stay open to provide service and if I forgot anybody please accept my apology---mere words could never express my sincere gratitude for what you all are doing and providing to help out the people of the planet, may god bless you all and wishing everybody health, happiness and love forever, peace...

Periodic Contributor

So true, @tainbey !

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After being in Arizona for two months this winter, I return by plane and self-isolated for two weeks. With no food in the house, Jayne, my friend, brought me food from her home and ordered food online from our local grocery store for both of us. I avoided putting other people and me at risk. I am grateful for her caring spirit. 


I would like to give a big THANK YOU to all those whom are hinting a sign of stay safe while staying six feet apart and wearing their masks around their necks and asking others without a mask to make one if you do not have one

As a Registered Nurse in a Cardiac ICU, I am truly overwhelmed by the support our profession has received. Yes, we're tired and hungry- but mostly we are emotionally drained. We are trying to encourage our patients and their families to communicate as much as possible. We have utilized IPhones and IPads to help communicate. We are emotionally drained because we can't hold our patients hands (without gloves), we can't hug them, we can't sit with them. We don't often allow our feelings to come through to our patients or their families (or ours as well)- we often break down in our cars or the shower. We do understand the country needs to be open, and we want people to get back to work- just do it safely. We are very tired of people complaining about wearing a mask for an hour or two to go food shopping- try wearing an N95 mask (the very tight oval one) for 13 hours straight. I have been watching history programs commemorating the 75th anniversary of V-E day- think how much our parents/grandparents gave up for 4+ years! We can do this!


On another note- 2020 is the year of the Nurse- how fitting!


Please stay safe and healthy everyone!

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