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Gold Conversationalist

PLEASE give the See All option!

Someone else has asked for this.  Today is the first day I've stuck with it in an effort to earn the 7K points.  Not sure if I did or not but after listening to one Denise Austin video THREE times and not getting points, maybe I did.  It did not say I'd reached the max.  I just didn't get points   Every time one completes a task, there is no "take another" option like we use to have.  One must go back to the beginning and scroll through screen after screen of activities that one has completed.

Why I spent literally hours doing this is a good question when all I could do with the points is enter one sweepstakes (would love to learn another language).   

Going away without internet in a day or two and previously I'd be very sorry to miss out on my daily activities and points.  Not so much anymore.

We NEED a menu with the daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and once options like we had.  That is not asking too much and should have been included in any program, even a beta one.

And I must say it:  I don't like Denise Austin videos.  I could exercise all day and starve and never be tall like her.   I like the yoga lady better...give us real senior citizens doing these activites, not models.   My aqua aerobics teacher is 95 years old and an inspiration to all at our gym.  Denise not so much.


Trusted Contributor

I like the Denise Austin videos because they are simple and easy to do and hopefully beneficial.  I will never look like her but I don't expect to at my age.  I have been lucky and do get the points that they promise.  Unfortubately, I haven't found anything to use the points on.

Trusted Social Butterfly

Ladies, I agree about Denise Austin being a model, I have tried several of her exercises, but it would be better if they had someone we could identify with more.  She's smaller than her daughterSmiley LOL

@HokiePoq the "See More" button is intentional, and it takes about (2) hours to get the daily limit of points, they could have placed a "See All" button after viewing the 1st page but wanted us to endure the trouble to earn pointsSmiley Mad


Have a Blessed Day,


Regular Contributor

I agree 100%. I hate the Denise Austin videos. I actually mute her and open another web page until she is DONE! But...its not really cheating because a LOT of the videos do not award the promised points anyway. This new Rewards program is an epic FAIL and it doesnt really appear that anyone at AARP really cares. Maybe when renewal times come around and they start getting hurt in the purse they will realize they should have done more for their paying customers. 

Social Butterfly


Hey Hokie

!! DITTO!!

To your post 

Yes think was second day I went through list "See More" again & again 

Andrew & others post a thread about it 

After that days experience I've not even attempted to spend anymore time earning anything have nothing interesting to me to use points for & I too have no interest in videos offered & it'd be nice having seniors doing them nice suggestion


My latest "bug me" is ads at bottom of our community pages ughhhh uuggggh 


Enjoy your time away have fun 

Happy Sunday 

Ginger  :  ) 

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