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Bronze Conversationalist

Petition: Drop Down Menu

Starting a Thread where we can add our names (by posting your reply below) of asking AARP IT/ web designer to either remove the annoying - drop down menu - rolling ad/ menu - while we are in the Game section of AARP or....

       modify the Game section by adding a "Game Mode" button - which will temporarily stop the 'drop down menu' from coming down/ stop that script. With a user controlled button a person can click on to this 'Game Mode" button and allow us to play our games or puzzles without this annoying interference that so many of us have complained about.

       We understand that AARP is tempting users to further investigate other AARP features/ information portals by having the 'roll over menu' whenever our cursor simply passes over the sub-menu - but we can easily 'click onto these sub-menus' without having it automatically dropping down on our precious screens while we are in the middle of play, finding that right word or letter ( where timing is necessary to complete/ or gain higher points ) 😠


Having a "Game Mode" or 'Silent Mode' button - is a common feature that many browsers/ software use when persons are playing PC games or watching/ downloading movies - stop 'pop-up notifications and other annoyances' while a person is fully engaged.


This seems to be a reasonable and do able modification that the IT staff/ web designers can achieve; fair deal.






very annoying!!!

Regular Contributor

Count this as my signature.

Regular Contributor

Count me signed. I hate that stupid menu.

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