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Traveling !


 Hello to my AARP Community, 

Hope you anticipates the Eyes of Spring. Missed another Snowy Winter! We only

had Conversational Snow. I miss the seasons of winter. Not ice but enjoy snow.

Let me tell you about six (6) years ago when I made a Reservation on Southwest 

Airlines to go to my Sister’s Funeral. Her children decided not to have the Funeral,

but a Cremation. I immediately called ( less than 10 min.) to cancel. The Fee was

already taken from my Credit Card. I have tried to contact everyone from Southwest and my Credit Card. I contacted the COO and COE from both. I have 

had two (2) Attorneys to contact both of the Companies heads. No results. By the 

Way, I repaid the Credit Card since I have been a Customer for years. No results!

Got a letter from Southwest explaining that they sent my Refund back to the

Credit Card. Therefore, the Credit Card was paid TWICE! What is a Retired

Person to do? Now I have to pay another Lawyer and Court Fees. I would rather 

go this route than for a Trillion dollar corporation to take my money! To think I 

have waited 7 years to get my Refund with Interest! 

So, if there are any suggestions Community let me know.


Have a Wonderful Spring, I will keep you posted


Marilyn T.



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Bronze Conversationalist

Traveling with Southworst (& Morris, who was absorbed by them), was always a fun & rewarding experience. 🙂 

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