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Honored Social Butterfly

๐Ÿ“‹ AARP Backs Improved Measures to Protect Pedestrians (AARP Article)

AARP Pushes for Improved Auto Safety to Protect Pedestrians.
Older pedestrians are more likely to die in traffic crashes.
By Susan Milligan, AARP. Published November 26, 2024.
Pedestrian deaths from traffic crashes are on the rise and AARP is advocating for improved auto safety features to protect those traveling on foot.
Overall, motor vehicle deaths are dropping, but pedestrian deaths from auto accidents reached a 41-year high in 2022, the latest data available.
New federal rules proposed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) would make vehicles safer for drivers and for those walking along the street. The NHTSA proposal would establish a new Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard, requiring new passenger vehicles to be designed to reduce the risk of serious and fatal injuries to pedestrians.

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  Looks like AARP is again making a decision (not in the best interest of seniors or their membership) that will ultimately increase consumer costs on vehicles.   They would do much better for everyone to focus more on traffic safety, education of drivers, and development/maintenance of public roadways.


Honored Social Butterfly

@GAKKIEZ , in my very humble opinion  ๐Ÿ™„,  this is an area that does NOT need AARP involvement.


As usual the cries for help with Retirement Social Security & Medicare SOLUTIONS fall on AARP's VERY DEAF EARS.

Regular Contributor

How are they going to make a motor vehicle safer for hitting a person? Anyway around here the problem is the people. Seems like everyone has forgot about, "stop, look, cross." You go to a shopping center and people just walk out in front of you, I mean that's a 4,000 lb. car, look out.

About the only time a car runs up on a sidewalk and hits someone is when one of these 12/13/14 year olds that don't know how to drive, steals a car and goes for a joy ride.

Papaw of Boo

  @papawofboo Seems like too many of these pedestrians are hit intentionally for daring to walk in front of traffic OR the pedestrian intentionally walked in front of a vehicle.


  Too many drivers seem to just be in a rush and don't want to be slowed down.


Honored Social Butterfly

@GAKKIEZ , some people will IGNORE a crosswalk with a PEDESTRIAN LIGHT and will cross wherever.


Yes, some drivers do SPEED.


But WHY challenge a car??? in my opinion.


Just like on the ROAD, I let the SEMI's do their thing = NOT worth my life or damage to my car.

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  @Spring2025  Funny, I can see it now IF they change the manufacture of a vehicle, there will be many websites with "hacks" on how to dismantle or override the 'safety' feature.


  I'm sure the vehicle insurance industry is already looking at this too. Offer you a discount IF your vehicle has a specific feature.


Honored Social Butterfly

My current car has Pre-Collision Assist with Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) feature uses cameras and radar to scan the road ahead for potential collisions with vehicles or pedestrian.   If something is detected, it will give me a warning - sound and dash light - and gives me a chance to react.  But if I donโ€™t, it will initiate the emergency breaking and will bring the car to a halt.


I havenโ€™t actually tried it out but I contend that a deer staring into my headlight might engage it - but I know for a fact that a squirrel does NOT.  




  @GailL1  I have no experience with that feature.  How does the emergency braking affect a vehicle following you?  Is that a consideration for a 'safe' brake distance?  Could this be another issue in the future? More chain reaction accidents.


Honored Social Butterfly

This has been around for several years on certain vehicles and I have not heard of any rear end accidents that have happened because of it.  Of course, the following car(s) [driver] also have to exert their due diligence also - thatโ€™s just safe driving - I stop, you stop.  


I love the back up camera safety feature.  I like the back seat check indicator.  I like the blind spot side mirrors indicator.  As well as the bearing off the road system alarm system.


I like the fact that my car is smart intelligent and will tell me if my tire pressure is low or it is time for routine maintenance.  I like it that my headlights are always on while driving and automatically shuts off when parked.   I also like the fact that the car can change my headlight beams from hi to low or vice versa when  needed or when there is a car approaching going in the other direction.


Since I donโ€™t drive much, I have had to get the dealership to disconnect the โ€œalways onโ€  feature of the battery, so you can charge things with your car battery.  Unless you drive daily at least some to build the battery back up, all it was doing is draining my battery.  


Personally, I would like to see a visor with an extension to block more windshield areas when the sun is setting and it is right in your eyes and you cannot see a thing.  


I think a lot of these safety features are warranted - even if they save just one life and the overbearing remorse of the person that may have cause an accident.  


I wonder if the Pre-collision with emergency breaking would stop a person from hitting the gas instead of the break and ending up inside a store - I hear about these types of incidence kind of often - usually an elderly person driving.  Probably not since there has to be room or time to react and in this case there would not be that time or room.




  @GailL1  I have a few of these features on my car.  Like you, I don't drive much so recharging the battery is important.  I have the back-up camera and sometimes I find it annoying. I've noticed too many others depend on that camera and never look behind them.  I like small cars and find the big SUVs cause more accidents because the drivers are not situationally aware and tend to drive faster.  Often the taller vehicles block the view of cars in right hand (turn on red) lane.


Honored Social Butterfly

@GAKKIEZ , so what happens when ALL THE BELLS & WHISTLES MALFUNCTION!!!  ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ


Also, SELF-DRIVING BUSES (and cars), again what happens WHEN the COMPUTER MALFUNCTION?


  @Spring2025  I've read a couple of books and articles on the self-driving vehicle concepts and the need for it but I don't think all areas have been considered.  The concept makes lots of assumptions.


Honored Social Butterfly

Honored Social Butterfly

@papawofboo , good points.


Of late in my area SOME Police Pursuits have NOT been staying ON THE ROAD and hitting INNOCENT folks.


NOT sure IF there is a FIX for this.


Personally, at age 66 WHEN I HEAR A SIREN, I am getting out of the way.


Some people IGNORE the sirens = IN THE WAY.

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Honored Social Butterfly

In my area of Virginia, ALOT of the area I guess was built when EVERYONE had a vehicle = NO ONE walked to and from stores/work.


NOW that has changed with us LOSING our GREEN SPACES  ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ  and sadly it is NOT only the deers that get hit.


The 2-lane roads have NO space for SIDEWALKS to be added - a ravine on BOTH SIDES.  ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ


Next issue is LIGHTNING.


Lol, and FUN driving at NIGHT.


Not sure WHY lightning has NOT been put in as the area builds up and people of ALL AGES are needing to WALK to stores/work.

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  @Spring2025 Sounds like you live in a more rural area of VA.  We have lots of problems with lighting issues in KY since we have a major issue of copper wire theft in many street lights. There are some upgrades to solar powered lights but that is slow and expensive to upgrade the infrastructure.  We do have many private citizens in our area that do report which street lights are out to the city. Kind of a community service project that is brought up often at meetings with local politicians.  


  Usually adding side walks is a legislative process as well since it may require relooking land assessment and taxation.  It has been known to happen, sidewalk added but deferred to private owner for maintenance.  OR  Building permit issued with requirement(s) for road upgrade.


  I do attend a lot of the meetings in our area (meet your alderman/councilman, meet your mayor, etc.).


Honored Social Butterfly

Nope @GAKKIEZ , just "side streets" that have NEVER had Street Lights.


Now I "is" leaving the word Government out of my comments. NO interest in THIS discussion being "deleted or my a.s in AARP Jail". ๐Ÿ‘


Thanks for stopping by my friend!!!  ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ

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Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 wrote:


Not sure WHY lightning has NOT been put in as the area builds up and people of ALL AGES are needing to WALK to stores/work.



  Most likely to keep the area โ€œaffordableโ€ - merchants, businesses, complex owners who are building for their own use, maybe required to add some features like de-acceleration turn lanes, lights to mark their businesses or even sidewalks - but for an overall coverage of sidewalks and lighting, that comes from the taxpayers - local, state or sometimes federal depending upon the road.


But if we want to keep areas affordable especially those under local or state control, then we have to keep down the tax rate of the local and the businesses that establish there.  And of course, the people who live there or desire to move there.   


Some cost go up regardless - police and fire services, etc.


 If government ever finds a way to add all of these other things without taxing at the local / state level, then it could get done without relying so much on property taxes or sales and use taxes. 


What about a lottery?

What about legalizing recreational marijuana?  


 We ( my state ) use lottery proceeds to fund FREE pre-K for 4-year olds and for the HOPE Scholarship program which covers college cost at state universities  for those who meet the guidelines.





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Honored Social Butterfly

@GailL1 , weed is legal here, lottery exists.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@Spring2025 wrote:

@GailL1 , weed is legal here, lottery exists.


Then all ya gotta do is get your state legislature to dedicate these funds to sidewalks and lighting or anything else that bears necessity.  


Maybe even for affordable housing for seniors - 

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Honored Social Butterfly

@GailL1 , excellent suggestions I am sure but I was just "commenting" on my area.


NOT interested in dealing with the Government for anything.


I drive and when car is in shop, my daughter in Florida Ubers me.


I live in Affordable Housing that has ZERO to do with the Government.


In my very humble opinion, time for SENIORS to NOT depend on the Government for help. Like AARP, they have their OWN AGENDA that has ZERO to do with what Seniors really need.


Lol, our RETIREMENT Social Security & Medicare is a joke.


Anyway, good comment.  ๐Ÿ‘

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