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It will be impossible to earn maximum points per month,

Trusted Contributor

It will be impossible to earn maximum points per month,

unless one spends hours in front of the computer, doing videos that are 10 minutes and longer.  I have been doing the same 10 daily videos each and every day.  Those 10 videos have now been reduced to 2, the other 8 becoming weekly.  So, I have lost 8 daily videos times six days per week (I can still do them one day a week) times four weeks per month = I have lost 200 videos per month.  This is on top of the fact that they have grossly increased the number of points (28,000) needed to purchase a measly $5 gift card.  I have been trying to think of some other place where members are so greatly underappreciated, but I can think of not one.  

Social Butterfly


I know what you mean.  I had 15 daily videos that I preferred and I would fill in the rest with weekly/monthly videos and a few quizzes. I liked my videos and don't understand the change.


However, when a change is made in the Rewards program, I can't remember the change being reversed (and I've been here the whole time).  A reversal could have taken place once, maybe, I guess.  Numerous complaints by Rewards participants seem to mean nothing to Rewards management.


I am not really sure what you mean by ten videos daily.If you click earn in the drop down box there are hundreds of videos to sort.Not a lot of daily videos but many monthly videos.I just watch from those each day until I get the max 25 videos watched.You can hover over the title and see the time length.Many are under a minute to two minutes so fast to watch and earn..Also many quizzes for 450 each.At times I just do 16 quizzes to earn the max.If you get wrong answers you still earn the points .Any thing you have done before has the check mark beside it so you know not to repeat it because you will not earn points again.I have never run out of ways to earn my daily points.

Trusted Contributor

You don't understand.  I didn't say I had been doing ten videos daily.  I said I had been doing 10 daily videos.  Of those 10, 8 are now weekly.


I totally understand.I was just saying all the other videos can be watched and it covers the daily needed to earn the points.It doesn't have to be a daily video to earn points.Any un watched video earns points.I have never watched a 10 minute plus video and never will for 300 points.I wasn't trying to downplay the daily video issue but stating there are much easier and faster ways to early the daily point limit.

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