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When patient cannot take nourishment even with tube


When patient cannot take nourishment even with tube

Hello all,

My 82 year old husband had radiation for lung stage 4 and the esophagus severely inflamed?damaged.  I asked for a feeding tube and they didn't want to do this. All radiation and chem has been stopped at our request as he was not getting better.

Been 2 weeks since any food food has gone in him, now has continuous UTI does have urostomy and has lost a lot of weight, trying to navigate properly and legally have the health care surrogate on file but in FL things are really different. He tries to eat minuscule amounts but stomach seems to be really small now

He can't come home as one person unable to care for him and medically I don't think another type facility would accept him...hospice or nursing home.  

I just don't know what to do now


be calm and serene and let him cross over.   what a hard way to live.  


Unfortunately that's the fly in the ointment.....where we live a doctor has to state the patient really cannot make informed design, even as his health care proxy I can't legally do this. Meanwhile more medical issues crop up and because inpatient they will schedule a procedure to stop his infection. If I take him home I will just have call 911 every time he has a flare up and that is not right

Yesterday they discovered another Tumor....I only learned this from reading nurse basically left me in the dark for the doc said a surge is needed as there is also a blockage in the area as well....everything like this always happens on a weekend just hope he's still with it when I see him in couple hours Peace all

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