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Frail Seniors Find Ways To Live Independently

Honored Social Butterfly

Frail Seniors Find Ways To Live Independently

Just to keep you informed of happenings in the area of navigating aging.


Kaiser Health News 01/30/2019 - Frail Seniors Find Ways To Live Independently


This demonstration project is currently only available to some low income seniors involved in the test program but further down in the article, it says:


( the project developer) hopes to persuade Medicare Advantage plans, which cover about 19 million Medicare recipients and can now offer an array of nonmedical benefits to members, to adopt CAPABLE. Also, Johns Hopkins and Stanford Medicine have submitted a proposal to have traditional Medicare offer the program as a bundled package of services. Accountable care organizations, groups of hospitals and physicians that assume financial risk for the health of their patients, are also interested, given the potential benefits and cost savings.


Sounds great and it is a cost savings benefit.

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