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Age discrimination: Sooner or later, someone will get caught and get in trouble for it

Several years back, I learned that someone got in trouble for discriminating people due to age and once the attorney general found out, the culprit got in big trouble for it.  It was a company that turned away a bunch of people that were over the age of 40 and they complained to the AG and the AG investigated and the good news was that the company that chose to discriminate got fined pretty close to $8,000,000.00 for age discrimination.  So it goes to show when a company chooses to play like they are American Idol and do something stupid like set an upper age limit of 28 to work there but of course not tell anyone, the attorney general is going to find out and once a large amount of people come forward and make a complaint, the company that chose to age discriminate would get fined for it.  That could mean if the company does have an upper age limit of 28 like American Idol, they could be forced to take the age limit and toss it out with the trash.  

Seniors are just antique people rich with history.
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Honored Social Butterfly

".....Sooner or later, someone will get caught and get in trouble for it....".


It's going to be later:


"... Just 3% of working older adults who experienced age discrimination in their workplace filed a formal complain to their employer or a government agency, the report notes, citing forthcoming research from AARP.

Other studies indicate that up to 60% of workers age 45 or older have seen or experienced age discrimination in their place of work, and 90% of those workers say such behavior is common.

“It is difficult to measure with any accuracy the prevalence of discrimination in the workplace,” the report stated, adding that “charges filed with federal and state enforcement agencies represent a fraction of the likely discrimination that occurs in the workplace.”.....".


"...Why is everyone a victim? Take personal responsibility for your life..."
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Yes.  Now if someone sets up a hidden camera to catch the action, then BANG!  Then the ones that are age discriminating are caught red handed.  

Seniors are just antique people rich with history.
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