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Independent consultant on Medicare?

Does anyone know how to find an independent consultant about Medicare?  Agents who are incentivized by sales commissions can be very helpful, but they may not provide me with the optimal plans for my situation.  I don't really want to become a Medicare expert through books and webinars.   I want to hire an expert instead.  Is there such thing as an independent Medicare coach?  Ideas are welcome!!!  Thanks so much.

Social Butterfly You should search Wikipedia for Medicare and Medicaid.


Welcome to Medicare | Medicare


Where do you live? I live in Central Texas and I have Baylor Scott & White for my Medicare Advantage plan. Are you wanting something beyond what the United States goverment provides? 


Border Collie and God Bless AmericaBorder Collie and God Bless America

Honored Social Butterfly

Somebody gave you the SHIP connection (State Health Insurance Program) - they maybe fine or they may not be - Sometimes these are volunteers that don’t know all that much - other times they may be retired Medicare insurance brokers  or agents just doing some volunteer work.


You should not be frightened of independent Medicare Insurance brokers or agents.  Pick one that has been in business in your local area for a long time. One that writes for a lot of different companies rather than one that is “captive” - meaning they just write for one company.


Many of them write for MediGAP policies, Part D Prescription Drug as well as Medicare Advantage which has a built in Prescription Drug plan.


You should at least read your book “Medicare and You” just so that you aren’t starting blind.



It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
Bronze Conversationalist

Each state has this program:  State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)

Click Here ---> Home | State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (




😎   Personal Side Note: I heard about this program from my local Public Library - for which I had attended two of these 'live - in person (open- group- registered-held at the library) events' for free. It was very informative; free material given.  State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)

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