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What to know about dating frauds

Let the buyer beware!

When we sign up for a dating website, we are buyers of companionship of all kinds and our interviewees are the men or women whose profiles we examine.

In my experience, sadly, half of these potential partners are not real.

How do I know? I will answer that question with advice, if I may.

1. Be aware of how good you are and how much you deserve a good person.

2. Be aware that you are not desperate and do not have to accept any website invitations for online romance.

Ending your loneliness is not worth losing your money.

3. Be patient.  The right person is out there for you. Don't jump at the first person who drops the love bomb.


These scammers will flatter you like nobody's business. 

A typical introduction:

Hello beautiful  I was looking through the website and I came across your photo and I knew that I had to meet someone as beautiful as you.  

2. They all ask the same question.

They begin by asking how your day is going.

Then they might ask what you are looking for on  the site.

If you are not having a great day, and if you say you are looking for a good partner, bingo.

They will use phrases to console you, to boost your spirit, and to tell you that they are the good partner you are looing for..

3. Their use of grammar, spelling and punctuation is atrocious.  One example: they say they the outdoor, not the outdoors. They skip conjunctions, so they will say: I will like be with you.

4. They repeat phrases that others have used.

On Our Time, I read the phrase: Music Nerds get at me on at least eight profiles. 

5. They are always working out of the country of out of the town they say is their real home.  Their :"real" home is near you, but they are not in their home town. I have had four men recently tell me they are working in Syria for an oil company.  Coincidence? hardly.

6.. They do not talk on the phone, they only text.  RED FLAG

7.  If they do talk on the phone, they tell you they have a parent, usually the mother, who was foreign born and had an accent, or they do say that they are foreign born.because they will have a strong accent, French is the language most of them say that their accent is.

8. They always claim to be widowed.

9. For the most part, they say they only have one child, and some have even claimed that they lost their child in a horrible accident.

10. If you request to meet them in person, they do one of two things: they make excuses and stall for time, or, they drop you!

So demand an in-person meeting and let them drop you.

11. If you do get hooked, because it does feel great to have someone contact you daily, and believe me, they will practically hound you, and since you are not seeing them in person, you can fantasize them to be whatever you want, at the first sign of needing something other than friendship from you, LEAVE!!!!!! the relationship. 

They might not ask for money.  Gift cards are the new thing.  Or gift certficates or online credit, or phone cards.



Because once you start, they will ask you for more until you have no more to give, and then 


This is not my personal experience, but the experience of women who did not deserve to be cheated in such a fashion.

For me, the minute I spot any of the above signs, I report the profile. Granted, it does not stop them, but it makes things a little more difficult because they have to steal a new identity.]

Good luck and be safe.


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