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Bronze Conversationalist

Instant Win Glitches Since 3-11 to 3-19

Attention:  AARP IT/ WebMaster

1 - Rewards Page

2 - Discover Page ---->   Instant Win (


Since 3-11 Saturday and the introduction of the Target Instant Win - there are 'numerous'  glitches, missing, misplaced - with the Instant Wins: Papa John's, Target, CVS, Dunkin, Zappos, with their 'Official Rules' and/or it's Catalog Web Image (Zappos). --> to 3-19


Member andrewtoo was the first to post ---> Re: Instant Wins Free Entry Method Missing - AARP Online Community    ( I saw it too; but didin't post)


🙄  There have been various other postings about these glitches.



Update: 3-20 Monday - onward..... - New Week - Instant Win is back to normal 7 items to show - 7 items to play  🎲



Gold Conversationalist

Still seeing only six rather than seven Instant Wins.  Is that the new norm?   Don't guess it matters if one set of 100 or more is awarded each day.

However, beware of low value redemptions in the middle of the Instant Wins.  I was asleep at the switch and accidentally redeemed for a $5 card I cannot use, thinking it was an instant win.  It was in the middle of the Instant Wins.  My mistake and loss of a redemption for March.

This is not the first easily missed thing I've seen, although the first I've fallen for.   On almost every activity where there is an ad, a banner is placed over "Skip Ad".  One has to know to close that to go on to the activity.  The programmers are counting on the innocence of many participants. in order to achieve longer looks for the ads and more $$.

Silver Conversationalist


Kudo's Hokie to the WARNING "redemptions in the middle of the Instant Wins"   😵 😵        I think admin is doing this deliberately. It is happening more and more lately. Sadly they have to resort to trickery to collect more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

It has happened to me a few times but now I know what to look for. Thankfully I caught it before it went too far and was able to back out. We will never find out why there are only 6 Instant Wins at this time but you can bet it is only to benefit Hello World.

This doesn't pass the smell test  Just Saying   

Bronze Conversationalist

There is usually  '7  Daily  Instant Win Sweeps' per week - Click here ---> Instant Win (                You'll see 6 items; but there should be 7


...and if you click on any of these Daily Wins and look at/ click on the 'see Official Rules' you would see the 'Zappos listing'    ---->   Rewards Daily Instant Win Rules (


... see "Zappos eGift Card Rules " ----> 30132-4-zappos-iw.pdf ( here. You can Enter using the - 'Free Method of Entry'  


I have entered; you can enter...but there is 'no 'Catalog Web Image' listed; that's what we've talkin' about.  There should be 7 Catalog Web Images; not 6  -->  "Zappos - Instant Win - Catalog Web Image" - it's 'missing.'





Community Concierge

@OneDayMatisyahu We've received the reports and hope to get the site corrected asap. Thanks for taking the time to reach out!

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