AARP Eye Center
I ask AARP to consider raising the amount of points we can earn daily. It’s been 7,500 points for a long time….also we need more to spend it on besides contests & instant wins…there has been too little else…besides the same things… like E-greeting cards (which you can make for free) & these stoooopid coloring books✍️ 🎨 …lol…
Today I went ahead & spent 11,000 points on a $5.00 office max gift card (it’s basically of little value by itself). Some of the few available $5.00 gift cards are worthless…like on NIKE…it wouldn’t even pay for tax! 😄There are so few gift cards to use ‘points only’ on…& often sold out even as I’m seeing them available for the1st time. Lately there hasn’t been hardly anything to use points on for the whole month. So… as I need to spend some points on something…what’s left I use 1,000 points on each contest that I could a actually use if I won….like today there are 10 worth entering…& that’s 10,000 points …so as I can only earn 7,500 points…therefore, my points balance is continually shrinking.
Anyway…I hope there is some action on this.
As always…the community here is full of many nice people.
Take care ~Allen
Thanks for this post, Allen!
I have to wonder if it is a problem with AARP's "fulfillment outsource", that I contacted after being notified 11/22/2021 I won something...
Since receiving the notification, I emailed twice (two days apart) and finally included AARP as cc at which time finally receiving a response on 12/01/21. Since then, NOTHING.
I'm not sure why this was outsourced; I know some orgs believe that to be better, but in this case, I think we trusted AARP more when they did the work they promised?
But obviously something is broke here; AARP, please consider and move forward?
Hi @WebWiseWomanThanks for your reply.
I’ve had similar probs with helloworld on another website promo & basically it took 7 hours of phone calls…mostly on hold!...on a dozen different days, with many reps & supervisors …each time assuring me that “the matter has been escalated” …yah right…haha…….& almost 5-6 months ….just to get what they said would arrive within “no later than 6 - 8 weeks, tops!” So… can’t blame everything on the virus!
Thanks again ~Allen
I know where you are coming from Allen with HelloWorld. Won a Carnival Sweeps back in the day with R4G and never got the plastic gift card. Either HelloWorld or UPS or both of them had a hand in that fisco. Both blamed the other for the loss but neither would make it right. HelloWorld was the worst, rude, condescending, arrogant and even suggested I was lying ect ect. Got no use for them
Hi @rednexsrus
Thanks for your reply.
I agree…unfortunately they are running many website’s promos & contests….so they have total control of many people’s winnings & awards…therefore they can treat us anyway they want & seem to not care about individuals…as long as they get paid thru all their contracts.
Away, hope you’re doing well.
Take care ~Allen
6-8 wks seems to be the std response; so guess we'll have to wait for that.
One of the thoughts I have is @AARPLynne please pass on to ADMIN this is truly not acceptable policy. A sweeps win in Oct should not have to wait until Jan the next year, really... that's a #dotard time schedule...
Hi Allen
Nice to meet you
*removed prior content*
🙄🤯🥴 🥶😨🥺 😉 🙀 🥴😄😂🤣😉😊 🥰 have a blessed week 🎄🎄🎁🎄🎄
Ginger ; )
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