AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone, Lot's of storms in our area today, and more rain and cooler temps for the weekend.
Here are the numbers for tonight >
I-29 I-17 B-14 B-7
N-31 N-35 G-47 G-55
O-71 O-64 I-26 G-59
GOOD LUCK, I'll be back soon, Jen
My foundation is definitely doing better than my upper floors, which only added one brick today.
We are still in the low 90's through Saturday then we will slide back a few degrees into the 80's.
Now I will put in my two cents worth, how about a bow tie. all the b's and o's and three I's and three g's, kind of like two triangles tipped on end with their tops meeting at the free space. One more day to go so good luck everyone.
For those of you who don't have a huge number of tourists coming into your community, you probably don't have the mixed feeling as you watch more and more strangers popping into your neighborhood. Tourism does bring back a lot of jobs, the majority of which are low paying. But it also causes pollution to the ocean, roads, atmosphere.... (Our young and talented people have always left the islands for better opportunities. I, too, was absent from home base for more than 20 years. ) Many of us wring our hands in despair for a graceful solution. We probably will miss the opportunity again to modify our tourist industry in such a way that both visitors and local residents have a pleasant experience while our environment is kept safe from ignorant abusers. #InSearchOfUtopia
Good evening everyone. I got my numbers late last night, because of church. We now have a new pastor.
Congrats to the winner of the regular game. If we were counting the mini house from the bottom up I would be doing great.
Our weather has been sunny x 2 days, but as I look out the window I see very dark clouds which means my sunny days maybe over with, and here I was hoping no more rain.
My house got painted today and does it ever look nice. Last week a new roof, the next thing new screens, and then we start on the inside.
You take care and stay safe and healthy and strong.
@LindaB671 Me too. I still say a backward question mark design could be a bingo.😄 --- Christine
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