AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone, Brr, it's cold out there ! My son was over checking out my furnace, so far, so good.
Here are the numbers for tonight >
G-47 I-20 B-7 N-32 O-63
B-9 N-41 G-52 I-23 O-75
N-36 O-68 B-14
Good Luck, I'll be back in a bit, Jen
Do you know what else is also icy cold? My bingo card. It only got 2 lonesome numbers in the N column. The other ignored columns just shiver uncontrollably, hoping that Jen will give them some love soon.
The endless rain finally stopped sometimes during the night. And the sun tries hard to burn through the thick clouds, but the clouds have the upper hand. Although it doesn't rain near the shoreline, it's a different weather system in the valleys, where gray shrouds translate into liquid, washing down limbs, leaves, and other weakened ground vegetation into streams, which pour into the canal and float out to sea.
Meanwhile I have a home-bound golfer who has turned my hallway into a putting green and my living room into a digital driving range.
Gosh, I'm late and there's no one here yet. Well, no bingo here and I still need two numbers to get one.
I am still tired every day and this past few days my neck has been hurting more when it should be less. I am blaming it on the Covid vaccine as muscle and joint aches are a side effect as well as fatigue. I also believe the drastic change in the weather adds to the issue. We hit 80 today and the humidity was high also.
Oh well, maybe better days are coming.
Good luck everyone.
It has been another sunny day here in my part of Texas. I went to exercise class today, and I keep hoping for it to get easier, but it hasn't so I will continue to drag my butt home from it every Tuesday, because I know it is good for me.
I got a few more numbers today, but nothing close to a win.
See you all tomorrow, and stay safe and healthy.
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