AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone, Ah, Spring, A beautiful day today, got to work in the yard a little, loving it.
dixie18 and michol were our Bonus winners on Friday.
Here are your #s for today>
B-3 N-34 O-62 G-52 I-16
G-48 I-23 B-11 N-41 O-72
B-14 N-36 I-27
Good Luck, I'm going back outside for a while and enjoy the rest of the day.
Two numbers tonight and they are both in the B row so that's at aleast a start.Cold here it went up to 55 today and now back down into the 30's that's what happens when you live near Lake Michigan.Good luck everyone and enjoy your good weather all.
Congrats to our two winners on Friday, WTG dixie and michol.
Lovely day here today, quite warm but humidity was low so it was a pleasure.
Hmm, I think we have been losing time or maybe gaining, not sure which anymore. I know that all the time I was growing up I was told that the first day of Spring was March 21st, but for quite a few years now it seems to have moved itself to the 20th. Maybe I am losing it. LOL!
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