AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone, Spring, Sunshine and Showers ! Tulips are budding out, daffodils are blooming, and some of the flowering trees are beautiful...
Mary Riley won our bonus game last Friday.
Here are your #s for today>
B-6 N-34 I-16 G-57 O-71
G-51 B-13 O-73 I-18 N-38
N-43 O-62 I-25
Good Luck, I'll be back soon, Jen
Oh, ouch, bad T-storms have been passing over us since early afternoon. It poured non-stop and I figured we would float away, LOL! Really not funny but you gotta keep your sense of humor.
Okay. better get this done as we had a short power break just when I was trying to get on, so you never know when we might lose it altogether.
I have a wait and we will see what tomorrow brings. Better weather at least for sure.
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