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Honored Social Butterfly

MON AUG 12th Welcome To Bingo Game 541

Hi Everyone, Well they are warning people about the heat, guess that tells you how hot it is, so it's inside for me...

Here are your numbers for today>


B-7  N-32  I-22  G-48  O-67


G-51  I-17  O-62  B-12  N-36


B-4  G-54  N-43


Good Luck, I'll check back soon, Jen

Trusted Contributor

Between the heat and the rain it is pretty unbearable here. If I did not have to walk my dog I would not go out at all. Feel bad for him too. I carry him to grass and when he is done pick him up again.

Regular Social Butterfly

i don't know who lit a fire under me, but I had a Spring cleaning kind of morning today. We both swept and mop under the bed and behind the headboard. And we cleaned out the AC filter. Then I had the tower fan opened up so that I could scrub the clung lint, and the caked dust from the blades and the grill. Whew! I'm not as enduring as I thought. It was hot on the balcony where I sat and did my chore for 4 endless hours. By 1 pm, all I could do was to put on a DiGiorno pizza in the Nuwave oven as I fixed a green salad. Hungry and tired, that pizza and greens tasted like gourmet food.
The good thing is that we both are not sneezing like before, and the fan should stay clean for the next few years. The next tower fan we buy will be the bladeless one (like the Dyson brand). Tomorrow it will be the ceiling fan, a 10 minute job.
Recognized Social Butterfly

It has also been hot here in Texas, but we expect it, some of the other states don't get the extreme heat like we do, so therefore, it is rough. The heat seems to be statewide, that is scary, it makes you wonder what winter will be like, which we would love about now.
The heat index today is 104. I had to take my grandsons to band practice this afternoon and the band director decided to wait until around 7 p.m. when the heat index will be around the low 90's to practice, so they were doing their music inside until 7 p.m.
I got only one number tonight so I hope this is not an omen of what the rest of the week will be like with bingo.
You all take care and hydrate and stay cool.
Charonanne E Kading
Honored Social Butterfly

I am off to a pretty good start, halfway there but we all know from experience that could go a different way tomorrow.

Still hot here, mid 90's. I went out because I needed to get some blood work done and also had to gas my car.

The granddaughter and her family found a place and they moved out over the weekend. I miss them but also can't tell you how happy my ears are. No more screaming all day.  I don't know how the 3 year old never got laryngitis.

Good luck everyone.

Honored Social Butterfly

Yes it was very hot out today I stayed inside most of the day until time to pick up kids from school and it was super hot then I got a couple numbers so far.

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