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Honored Social Butterfly


Houseplants? They're my special friends. I have a zillion of them (mostly spider and cacti). And, a room dedicated to only them, a room known as a... 'Sunroom.' It's like a jungle sometimes. Erhm...


One of the best ways to enhance a space is by adding house plants. The busy holidays cause many of us to neglect some of our regular routines, including houseplant care. National Houseplant Appreciation Day on January 10th serves as a reminder to give your houseplants a little extra attention to keep them thriving.


NATIONAL HOUSEPLANT APPRECIATION DAY | January 10th - National Day Calendar

[source: YouTube]


Houseplant Benefits:

[source: National Day]


๐ŸŒฟ  Boost productivity - Some studies have shown that indoor plants may improve productivity and performance in the workplace and in school.

๐ŸŒฟ  Reduce anxiety - Caring for plants provides therapeutic benefits. Similar to outdoor gardening, indoor gardening may help to ease the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and dementia.

๐ŸŒฟ  Reduce air pollutants - In 1989, NASA published a study that showed plants may improve the air quality for indoor spaces. Since we all know from elementary science that plants consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, this study makes sense. The more plants you have the more effective they are at improving air quality. Specific plant species are more effective than others, too. For example, Boston ferns, spider plants, ficus, rubber trees, and bamboo palms clean the air more effectively than other plants.

๐ŸŒฟ  Improved humidity - Especially in dryer climates and in the winter months, when plants release moisture into the air they improve the humidity in a room. Humidity enhances a home's comfort level, and we also breathe easier when the humidity in our homes is balanced. Also, plants are prettier than humidifiers.

Houseplants offer much to be appreciated, as you can see. Beyond these benefits, houseplants bring the outdoors inside where it can be enjoyed all year long. They fill our homes with color.


You don't have to have a green thumb to care for houseplants, either. Start with forgiving plants such as pathos, philodendron, sansevieria, or spider plant. These plants will bounce back if you forget to water them and won't whine if you accidentally overwater them.



[source: National Day]


During National Houseplant Appreciation Day, give your plants some love. Check their soil, make sure their roots are happy, and maybe talk to them. We also suggest:


๐ŸŒฟ  Adding to your plant collection.

๐ŸŒฟ  Pruning overgrown plants and offering the cuttings for trade.

๐ŸŒฟ  Joining a plant group. These groups help plant lovers to troubleshoot plant problems.

       They also offer plant swaps for cuttings and full-sized plants.

๐ŸŒฟ  Buying a plant for the first time. Be sure to select plants that are not harmful to pets and children.

๐ŸŒฟ  Taking a class. You can learn how to care for plants, access resources, and improve your understanding of horticulture.

๐ŸŒฟ  Sharing photos of your plant collection.
(Be sure to join the conversation by using #HouseplantAppreciationDay on social media.)


So, as you now know... today is the day to go check on your (house)plant friends, and give them some lovin' (or even resurrect one or two). Talk to them, tell them you appreciate them (and mean it!), and they will give so much back, in return. Have fun with plants, today, and every day!  ๐Ÿ’š



โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘... โŒžWhat the GLITCH!โŒ ... โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘(ใฃ อก อกยฐ - อก อกยฐ ฯ‚)
Bronze Conversationalist

Cautionary story. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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Honored Social Butterfly

Hope your houseplants made it another year, because it's either a day to mourn or a day to remember, a day to take care of the plants you appreciate in your!


It's... National Houseplant Appreciation Day!

[source: National Day Calendar]


National Houseplant Appreciation Day History


The Gardening Network founded National Houseplant Appreciation Day in 2012 to help keep houseplants thriving through the winter months. The day also honors all the benefits of growing houseplants.


Houseplant FAQ


Q. Do houseplants require a lot of care?
A. Most houseplants do not require a lot of care. They primarily need water, light, and occasional fertilizer. As they grow, they may require pruning or repotting.


Q. Are succulents easier to grow?
A. Many succulents are easy to grow. Overwatering is usually an issue for succulents. The key is to let the soil dry out between waterings and then give them a good drink of water. The soil shouldn't always be wet. Light requirements vary but succulents flourish when they are warm and receive consistent light. So place your succulent near a well-lit window or under a lamp that is on at least 6 hours per day.


Q. I have a lot of plants. Is there a good way to organize them?
A. Plant lovers know that organizing plants can be tricky. It's important to make sure all the plants receive the right amount of light and are easy to access for care. One way to do this is by placing the plants on a tiered rack. A baker's rack is ideally suited to this purpose.


Riddle Time!


Riddle 1:


I sit in a pot, but have no lid.
I drink when given, or when I'm bid.
But if I'm thirsty for too long,
My leaves will droop, and something's wrong.


What am I?


... A houseplant                                  >>> Lovely houseplants. I will take care of you, forever. ๐Ÿ’“ <<<


Riddle 2:


I thrive on sun and regular sips,
But suffer from forgetful slips.
My vibrant green can fade to brown,
If water's absent, I look down.


What am I?


... A neglected houseplant                >>> Quick! Go tend to the houseplants!  ๐Ÿ’” <<<


Riddle 3:


Iโ€™m brought inside to brighten the place,
But sometimes meet a sad disgrace.
Though needing care to truly bloom,
Iโ€™m left alone inside a room.
My soil is dry, my leaves are curled,
A verdant life to the next world.


What am I?


... A dying houseplant                      >>>  Ohh Nooo! Go now! Go save the houseplants!  ๐Ÿ–ค <<<

Until next time!  ๐Ÿ’š


Houseplant Love.gif

โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘... โŒžWhat the GLITCH!โŒ ... โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘(ใฃ อก อกยฐ - อก อกยฐ ฯ‚)
Bronze Conversationalist

Cautionary story. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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[ฬฒฬ…$ฬฒฬ…(ฬฒฬ…5ฬฒฬ…)ฬฒฬ…$ฬฒฬ…] (โ˜‰เฑช โŠ™)

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