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Recognized Social Butterfly


A Bus Stop Awakening

The first minutes while I waited for Bus 2 in front of the Blaisdell Concert Hall bus stop were frustrating—only two buses are routed there: Bus 1 and Bus 2. They normally come at the same time, every ten minutes. But yesterday was an exception.

First Bus 1 arrived. Fifteen minutes later, another Bus 1 came. Before it left, I spied another Bus 1 lumbering towards my stop. In its wake was one more Bus 1. Why was Bus 2 so delayed? I was getting antsy and sweaty in the unusually high humidity. Five minutes elapsed until I saw another bus in the distance. It must be Bus 2, right? Nope!  It turned out to be the dreaded Not in Service bus. What a revolting development!

But my funk didn’t last. Refreshing trade winds suddenly enveloped me. Then I glanced at the public park across the street: I had never paid much attention to the massive tree in the center of that vista. Today the sprawling limbs looked like ripe clusters of broccoli: I was transfixed until an approaching bus interrupted my meditation. But it wasn’t Bus 2; it was a 2L (limited service) that bypasses the Blaisdell stop.

As long as Bus 2 didn’t arrive, I had the opportunity to fixate on other scenarios. The first thing that got my attention was a five-storied vivid mural of a proud native Hawaiian couple elegantly dressed in multicolored robes. I had always enjoyed the brief moments admiring the portrait. But today, I had more time to become immersed in it.

Still no Bus 2: Soon something else attracted me, an iconic stately condo complex. It may not have been as overpowering as the sleek monolithic modernistic luxury apartments recently erected nearby, but its alluring facing has an old-world charm. I was drawn to it as never before.

Bus 2 finally came, breaking the spell. I was tempted to stay where I was, but I had business to attend to at home.

Regardless, waiting for a bus that for some inexplicable reason got so delayed was a boon, if not a blessing. I had the chance to reacquaint myself with an environment that become more delightful the longer that I was captivated with it.

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