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And, Feb 29, 2024 is 'Leap' Day.
That's 29 days this February, which only happens (approximately) every 4 years.
What is leap year?
Once every four years, our 365-day rotation around the sun becomes 366.
2024 is a leap year, meaning we will add one day to the end of February and therefore extend the year by one. Since leap year happens every four years, our last leap days were in 2020 and 2016, and the next leap year will happen in 2028. [source: miscellaneous media]
When is leap day?
Leap day is on Feb. 29, 2024.
February, our shortest month of the year, typically has 28 days on the calendar. But in a leap year, we add one more day to February, making it 29 days long.
The last leap day was in 2020, and the next one will be in 2028. [source: USA Today]
๐ Leap Year [source: WIKI]
๐ 13 Unexpected Leap Year Facts [source: ThoughtCo]
๐ What 2024's Leap Year Status Means [source: CBS News]
๐ Leaplings! They have a website just for you! LeapYearDay [source:]
Well, that's some interesting good stuff! 29 days this month, so let's all have a leap-ling great time. ๐ธ
[source: Farmer's Almanac]
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