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How do I find and use PowerUps for AARP Rewards participants in AARP Rewards Mahjongg Dimensions?

We’re glad you asked! Now AARP Rewards participants can score big in AARP Rewards Mahjongg Dimensions and Mahjongg Dark Dimensions – the games’ two new PowerUps can double your score in any one round or give you extra time on the game clock to beat a level or even revive your game if the clock expires.


To access, be sure you are logged into your account when playing either game. If you’re new to AARP Rewards, you must first create or activate your account, but this is fast, easy and free. Then click the “Redeem Rewards PowerUps” tab on the gameboard and the PowerUps panel will open - see below. (The clock pauses while the panel is open so you won’t lose any game time while you select a PowerUp.)  You can open or close the panel and select PowerUps at any time during your game, as long as you only use each only once. Give it a try!


The new version of Dark Dimensions is so glitchy. It was fine before, and now it doesn't work right. I play on a Windows laptop using Chrome. I used to be able to just mouse over a hidden block to see what it is. Now it won't show when I do that, and I have to mouse away and then back. That wastes time, and this is a timed game. Also, a couple of weeks ago, the game just stopped recording my score. I would finish the game, and then it just sits there with a blank screen, nothing happening. Ugh, you should have just kept this game the way it was, when it was working fine. It's all broken now, and I won't play it anymore because it's too frustrating.

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PowerUps are a great way to maximize your AARP Rewards experience! They can really help you earn more points in less time. A helpful tip is to check the Rewards section frequently since PowerUps are updated regularly, and make sure to activate them before starting any new activity. It’s an easy and fun way to boost your points while enjoying the games you love!

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