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Living with Parkinson's and need a health and wellness routine-- here's new virtual M-F programs!

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Living with Parkinson's and need a health and wellness routine-- here's new virtual M-F programs!

The Parkinson's Foundation just launched this new online virtual series to cover your health and wellness needs during this time. From Mindful Monday's to Fitness Friday's-  PD Health @ Home is here to support the Parkinson’s community. More details


Mindfulness Mondays

Start your week with calmness, as you take part in guided relaxation techniques to help boost brain power and reduce stress. Sign up now.

Expert Briefings Tuesdays

Taking place in home offices across the nation, we will host webinars about the PD topics that matter most to you.  Sign up now.

Wellness Wednesdays

Join us at noon for a Facebook Live event or a PD-related educational video that will highlight PD awareness, research or treatments. Follow us on Facebook now. 

Take Time Thursdays

Choose from several virtual events taking place across local chapters. Engage with a PD expert on the topics that matter most to you ― from exercise, nutrition, stress management and more. Sign up now!

Fitness Fridays

This PD-tailored 10-part fitness series will feature a new focus every week, from balance to coordination, posture and more. Watch each 12-minute session from home as many times as you wish. Watch now!


The Parkinson's Foundation is here for you and your Care Partners. Learn more @

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