AARP Eye Center
I tend to look at statistics when I see a tsunami coming my way. Am I likely to be hit with COVID-19? If I am hit, will it likely take me out?
This morning, I saw these numbers:
255,305 confirmed cases (does not include unreported cases)
10,444 fatalities (further studies need to be consulted for age groups, older seems to be more susceptible to infection and harder hits to health) - 4 percent
87,351 recovered, so far - 34 percent - again, age groups need to be considered.
Remember that all the suggested precautions we take will not render any of us immune to the onslaught, but are meant to lower the chances of overwhelming our resources in treating COVID-19 patients.
For example, if we have 20 million cases, but can treat only 5 million per month, then spreading out the infections so only 1 or 2 million new cases come along per month at most, we might get ahead of the spread. Also, spreading it out over time gives us a better chance to find better ways to fight the virus and maybe immunize folks before they are infected.
Stay well!
Follow-up to my post:
I had a routine visit with my doctor this morning. We had to make it Saturday because her flight coming home was canceled earlier this week from the COVID-19 pandemic combined with a local earthquake on Wednesday morning not far from the Salt Lake International Airport.
Along with other subjects we discussed, I discussed the virus pandemic with my doctor, who wore a mask, didn't shake hands with me, and, with apology, didn't give me a final hug, despite her upcoming retirement this month. Not counting physical examinations, our closest contact has been a handshake, so mention of a hug surprised me a bit.
She gave me her assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a nutshell, we will all get it. The social distancing is to provide us time to treat those who do come down with the disease and, perhaps, for those of us at higher risk - including my doctor, as she disclosed to me - to discover and implement a cure to save our lives.
Part of her retirement will still be dedicated to the medical field in that she will work at least part time on a project to try to formulate and test treatments against COVID-19.
When I discussed my doctor visit with my wife, she said that the doctor did give me a virtual hug just by mentioning it. I like that thought. We've both been going to her for several years.
Do continue to take precautions against the virus to help protect all who are around you, including yourself.
Be extra careful if you are a member of a higher risk group, as we all are in the 50+ age group as AARP members, but especially if you have lung or cardiovascular issues or if you otherwise have compromised health.
Stay well, my friends.
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