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Valentine’s Day is Coming Up

I decided to reach out to my Partner in Loss group in case they have any special interests or needs as we approach this day.  I was primarily thinking of any additional support from the rest of us. Like many of the other previous holidays since my husband died, I have to admit I really don’t remember how or if I celebrated the day of our “engagement.”  This year, I am feeling more aware of the holidays and am now thinking of Valentine’s Day or V-Day as a close friend of mine coined.  It is an interesting way to look at the day. V-Day reminds me more about victory over a war. Perhaps this day is a victory as well.  Victory over the great pain of loss?  Don’t know. I say that knowing that the pain only morphs or softens in some way, but will always be there.  I’d be interested in knowing how you view V-Day and if you want to share any meaning or activity you have planned. If you don’t, that’s ok too.  Have a good weekend.  Your friend, Sue 💕

Silver Conversationalist

Sue, your posts are always so thoughtful and well spoken. Thank you for sharing your insights. I sent Valentines wishes through my messenger to family and friends. I prefer to send cards snail mail. Except the cost of nice cards plus stamps etc. is too much now. I think it's natural to suffer the pain of loss on holidays. Belonging to several online groups with different interests is helpful, and they're always available. Creating a new familiar. And good for those with mobility issues. Losing a husband of 51 years is no small thing. That was your life too. Time takes time. God is always with you. Your Guardian Angels too!

Take care.



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I am sending this message to Nicole in answer to your question regarding what I am doing for Valentine's Day.  My reply to your message, Nicole, did not go through for some reason.  My friend from the Partner in Loss group invited me over to celebrate my 51 year anniversary since my husband proposed.  Wonderful and unexpected gesture of Love on her part.  There are caring people out there as we are experiencing since the loss of our loved ones.  Thanks for asking, Sue

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Trusted Social Butterfly

Oddly enough, for more than 30 years now I have thought of the significance associated with Feb. 14 in connection with the conception of a son of mine.  I don't remember specifically associating the day with any of my grieving experiences. 

There are probably as many different opinions about that as there are people who deign to form an opinion about it.  I have always just lived it as a day of gratitude for Love in its many forms and with its many consequences.



Hi, Eric.  Thank you for your sharing your feelings on this personal topic.  I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that Valentine's Day is a reminder of the importance of love in our lives, including gratitude.  I totally agree.  Have a happy day of remembrance. Sue



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Gold Conversationalist

Hi Sue @SueS788527

Thanks for sharing!

BTW: Wishing you (an early) Happy Valentine’s Day!

(or V-Day....LOL!) 🙂


Take care!

☮️  🌄Your friend, ~Allen 🌈  🎨

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