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When you have no family

Friends can care about each other as much as family does. Well, actually my friends can more about me than my family does (step family long story). A lot of my friends have passed away or moved away so I do chat a lot online with friends, too. I have a lot of physical disabilities some very serious and can relate to others that do, too.


I am talking about real friends. The kind that loves to listen, loves to help, loves to encourage and be there for each other to laugh together to cry together and to have fun together.


If there are any other ladies that love a good clean chat and caring support feel free to send me a message. Nothing against men as I am married to one LOL and it helps to keep the peace. I am talking about in private messages, chat rooms, emails I only chat with other ladies. I am not talking about here in a open forum 🙂


Added note: I was talking about on my side of the family there is none but I do have my husband and I know he is family, too 🙂

Gold Conversationalist

Countryme...cute name.  Where do you live?


I am a native Californian now living in "The Villages", Florida since December 2015.

Since moving here I have discovered a whole new life.  It was a difficult move physically and emotionally.  My disabled boyfriend and I set the wheels in motion and here we are.

"The Villages" is absolutely wonderful.  We decided to move before we both became too old and besides California is expensive.  We have plenty of people here who know how it is to be away from family, but East Coasters and snowbirds generally go back and forth - so there is always a steady stream of new folks.


Please write to me.  I'd love to know more about you.



@CountryMe wrote:

Friends can care about each other as much as family does. Well, actually my friends can more about me than my family does (step family long story). A lot of my friends have passed away or moved away so I do chat a lot online with friends, too. I have a lot of physical disabilities some very serious and can relate to others that do, too.


I am talking about real friends. The kind that loves to listen, loves to help, loves to encourage and be there for each other to laugh together to cry together and to have fun together.


If there are any other ladies that love a good clean chat and caring support feel free to send me a message. Nothing against men as I am married to one LOL and it helps to keep the peace. I am talking about in private messages, chat rooms, emails I only chat with other ladies. I am not talking about here in a open forum 🙂


Added note: I was talking about on my side of the family there is none but I do have my husband and I know he is family, too 🙂



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Regular Contributor

My family has disowned me because I am gay. I am 50 years old and live in New Stanton, Pa. I seek friends who can be like family.

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@m933902a wrote:

My family has disowned me because I am gay. I am 50 years old and live in New Stanton, Pa. I seek friends who can be like family.

@m933902a, That stinks. I'm sorry your family has decided to behave badly. That said, if they are unable to accept you and care for you as you are, who needs 'em, eh?


While not gay, I do come from a contentious family. I've been on my own since I was 15 (legally emancipated) and have, since then, not been able to create, renew, maintain relationships with  the DNA set. So I can relate to this type of separation.


You didn't state whether you prefer to make friends with persons who are gay, however, I can tell you there are gays and lesbians in this community. And of course heterosexuals as well.  


Anyway, I suggest you keep posting here, as like minded folks do tend to find one another. Also, I suggest checking out your local Senior Center and joining a class or activity to find new friends. Yesterday on I noticed a lesbian cycling club. I think meetup really does have a group for everyone, so look into that site as well.


Best wishes.





"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving

Very Nice Infomation for Family.

0 Kudos
Gold Conversationalist


The kindness of strangers has helped me through many a difficult situation.  Family & friends are often too busy to care.  I am thankful for those who took the time to care.



Gold Conversationalist


I'd like to be your penpal or chat ...  if only AARP had a chat feature.



Honored Social Butterfly

Just so you know, you can send a private message to another poster so that you can share private communications if you choose to and if they have allowed private messages.

Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith

Thanks SimpleGal 🙂


I enjoy posting on the AARP forum here but actually I have another place where I love to chat at with other women 🙂 Nothing against men I am married to one LOL but it keeps peace with my hubby 🙂 In forums such as here I will reply to comments from both men and women but in chat rooms or in private messages or emails it's just us ladies 🙂

Honored Social Butterfly

@CountryMe wrote:

Thanks SimpleGal 🙂


I enjoy posting on the AARP forum here but actually I have another place where I love to chat at with other women 🙂 Nothing against men I am married to one LOL but it keeps peace with my hubby 🙂 In forums such as here I will reply to comments from both men and women but in chat rooms or in private messages or emails it's just us ladies 🙂

Just so you know, you can send a private message to another poster so that you can share private communications if you choose to and if they have allowed private messages.

Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith
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