AARP Eye Center
I was in a rehab ward after my accident with some vets coming back from 'nam, so had the chance to hang out, watch TV with them (you didn't get TV in your hospital rooms like now), then with some of their injuries there are things you can't un-see, & develop an alternate view on how frail life is.
Some of them gave me comics & better yet Mad Magazine, where I developed most of my political opinions at a very young age.
@Tempest332 where I am in Virginia we have a VERY LARGE VA hospital so 70 percent of folks are active or retired military.
Yet we also have TOO MANY of them homeless. ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
Nicole ๐ต
[*** TEMPEST wrote: I was in a rehab ward after my accident with some vets coming back from 'nam, so had the chance to hang out, watch TV with them (you didn't get TV in your hospital rooms like now), then with some of their injuries there are things you can't un-see, & develop an alternate view on how frail life is.
Some of them gave me comics & better yet Mad Magazine, where I developed most of my political opinions at a very young age. ***]
Thank you for your service! Wonderful of you to do that. But...anyone considering doing that, returning to Vietnam, should really be first assessed by a professional counselor, for any lingering PTSD. PTSD is an unusual illness.
I have it.
Not military related. I was a violent crime victim. Kidnapped and held for a time. I was jumped off the street. Did not notice it at the time, but a car backfired a couple of blocks away when was taken. For 8 years if I heard a car backfired, I would have big problems.
It is like a problem with the brain and how it gets re-wired. Weird things can trigger it.
Best to have a professional reign in...
Oh my goodness John @JohnW150496 , that was awful!!!
Yes, car backfiring scares me and I have NOT had any trauma.
Take care of yourself,
Nicole ๐ต
[*** JOHN wrote: Thank you for your service! Wonderful of you to do that. But...anyone considering doing that, returning to Vietnam, should really be first assessed by a professional counselor, for any lingering PTSD. PTSD is an unusual illness.
I have it.
Not military related. I was a violent crime victim. Kidnapped and held for a time. I was jumped off the street. Did not notice it at the time, but a car backfired a couple of blocks away when was taken. For 8 years if I heard a car backfired, I would have big problems.
It is like a problem with the brain and how it gets re-wired. Weird things can trigger it.
Best to have a professional reign in... ***]
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