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- Re: 🕯 A Place To Be With OTHERS Who Are Grieving!...
🕯 A Place To Be With OTHERS Who Are Grieving! WE support each other.
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🕯 A Place To Be With OTHERS Who Are Grieving! WE support each other.
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Nicole 🤗🤗🤗 (Grief Forum)
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Any ▶️*** OCTOBER ***◀️ birthdays to ADD to Our List?
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Hmmm Lisa @LisaJP6763 , I guess my brain is VERY OLD = are you saying you are ALSO June 7th like Jonibee @jonibee ???/lol 😂🤣
Yes, I "is" clueless after reading your post. 🙄🙄🙄
Nicole 🤗🤗🤗
[*** LISA wrote:Another Gemini here. Birthdate is obvious. 😉 ***]
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[Friday 9/27/24]
📸 Attachment 📸 Well I am glad to see someone is NAPPING under my bed. Lol, I am about to FALL OUT OF MY CHAIR, so tired. But I have another 8 hours before he heads out at 10pm tonight to PROWL ALL NIGHT. Wish he would let me ADOPT him = INDOOR cat ONLY. I don't dare fall asleep or the INSIDE OF MY DOOR will be damaged like the OUTSIDE SIDE from his need to scratch to get INSIDE. Oh well...
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i am so glad this cat found you. Can you tape heavy cardboard onto the back of the door to stop him from damaging it? This way he can be out and you can rest. Nicole, you are a nurturer and we all love you for that. However, it must be exhausting to care for all of us as you do and you really need to take care of Nicole. I do not know where you get all this energy! Please take care of yourself.
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I know that I should be eating brown rice but it just doesn't sit well with me or wheat pasta as well....All my other stats are great except for the blood sugar and I have lost quite a bit of weight and continue with Metformen the diabetic script and don't want any other scripts...
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[Friday 9/27/24]
📸 Picture for Sadie 🐕 from her pal Mr. 🐈 📸 Good Morning Sadie!!! A rainy and overcast day for me and mom here in Virginia. Mom gave me MY OWN NIGHTLIGHT so I can see my food and water. Hope you and mom Julie @JulieT507376 are well. Your boy, Mr. 🤗🤗🤗
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We are doing well. Not sure why but feeling blessed son and wife and 10 year old son are coming up for the weekend. They have only been twice since we built the house the day of my husband’s death and the day of his funeral. Sadly never while my husband was alive. So I’m not sure why 8 months later they are visiting me. I always visit them. So with the conversation about adult children they can surprise. But mostly cause sadness and loneliness. I find myself putting all the effort out and it’s draining with both of my sons. I think I keep trying so hard with both of them is grandchildren. Mark was my family. He made all things seem tolerable with my sons. It didn’t seem as bad when he was with me.
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[Thursday 9/26/24]
Jonibee @jonibee , Julie @JulieT507376 & Cadee @Cadee2719 since the three of us have CHATTED about this here - I thought WE ALL may have more to add. 👍👍👍
▶️*** So as you guys know, I "is" 66 today. So my "diva" (only child,a daughter in Florida) sends me an EARLY TEXT (before I made my daily "pestering" call asking her to CHECK IN 🙄), stating she knows I donot celebrate my birthday, but she is. Includes a RECENT PICTURE of herself. Now guys, this sounds all CUDDLY. But my child is DETERMINED to be in CONTROL of I guess what is a relationship./lol 😂🤣 I had brought her up to VALUE family versus money. Yes, TOTAL OPPOSITE of what happened thanks to mine and his MATERIALISTIC family. Zero luv in the households, folks alcoholics - drug addicts trying to FILL where LUV should have been. So anyway, she has UP TO TODAY "respected" that I told her over the years = I WANT EVERYDAY TO BE MOTHER'S DAY & MY BIRTHDAY. And what I mean't was what the three of us had said. VISIT - CALL - CARE!!! Lol she had gotten angry as she makes a BIG DEAL when her birthday rolls around. EXPENSIVE TRIPS and so on with her friends. Now unless she has ANOTHER job in time for her 38th birthday in January 2025, I guess her wings will be clipped. Total OPPOSITE of me. What I want in MY LIFE IS FREE = CARING. Money does NOT buy happiness. Look all those RICH folks committing suicide. Anyway, rather than argue with her like I USE TO, I sent back an "ok" text. Now TOMORROW, I will be back to calling several times BEFORE she checks in with a "hi" text. Last year I ended up calling for a Wellness Check via her Condo Association. The little (yes the human twin of the cat/lol) was ANGRY with me and had IGNORED ME FOR 24 HOURS. Between tears of WORRY & anger - feeling and knowing she was punishing me, I was ready to have a nervous breakdown. Anyway ladies, it is what it is dear friends Luv, Nicole 🤗🤗🤗
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This was a good topic to discuss. As sad as it is to hear others are going through a similar experience with their kids, it made me realize that I was not the only one. I do not call my son or bother him at all. I try to do everything by myself. He will bring the junk mail that still comes to his home over, talk about what is happening in his life and then leave. He has no interest in my life, my health or anything else. He will be driving me to my brother's home tomorrow (2 hrs. away via a busy freeway) and I appreciate that. I will just sit and listen to him talk. He, talks to me in a reprimanding voice? Yes, it hurts but I refuse to allow it to control my life. I am going to be 81 years old soon. How many more years do I have here on earth? I can choose to allow others to make them unhappy years or I can make myself refuse to allow others to control my life and emotions. We all have been through so much and we DESERVE some happiness. It is sad, it breaks my heart, it makes my brother very angry but no matter how hard I have tried I cannot change what is. Nicole, perhaps you should not attempt to contact her every day. See how long it takes her to contact you. We have all tried because they are our children, but our trying may only make them resent us more. I too do not celebrate my birthdays. I usually receive a generic card from my son. My friends and one grandson will call and wish me a Happy Birthday. The mother of the grandson whose father died wants him to FORGET his father and his father's family. She removed all pictures of my son and refuses to visit the grave. She has talked my grandson in not visiting it as well. I am the one that makes sure there are flowers on my son's grave. It doesn't matter that it is my son that made it possible for her to quit her job the day he died and live comfortably and for my grandson to be in college. She needs to be free so that she can search for the next man in her life. I pray that one day my grandson will realize this. He is only 20 so I attempt to stay in the loop and tell him I will always be there for him. Families are not as close as they use to be. I come from a huge Italian family and our joy came from simply enjoying a meal together. We accepted each others faults and supported them no matter what. Our responsibility is to find kindness and happiness in those that we meet. Marcy is a good example of this and I admire her. Nicole, I am happy that you had Mama Mae in your life and Jonibee how blessed to have two daughters at your side. Our responsibility is to take control of our lives and find ways to enjoy being alive. That in itself is a BIG JOB.
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Relationships in a family can run the gammit..I (we) have four adult children ..two girls and 2 boys..The girls are closer than the boys..One of our sons we are estranged from for over 17 years..not on our part but because he chooses to. The other son takes me to appts but doesn't call to see if I'm okay and I see him on my BD or Christmas..The relationship is strained because of this. Thus the old saying " A daughter is a daughter the rest of her life, and a son is a son until he acquires a wife" true atleast in my case...The son that is estranged was a good son until he got married and things went down hill from there..Not that I expected him to be at my beckoning call which I didn't but he use to come and if he saw something that needed doing he did it amiably..So life goes on with or without them...My oldest son tends to be cynical in the way he answers a question and seems stressed out when I see him..He gives one word answers so I don't really bother trying to make conversation with him ..It's like hitting a brick wall..He does a sensitive part to him but it's hidden ..I guess we tolerate each other. The girls are gems and are present all the time so I don't really have complaints only gratitude...I celebrate BDs quietly as I not a social butterfly and tend to get uptight (my eldest son takes after me I think)...Just go with the flow...Wishing you a great day...for what it is...
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[Thursday 9/26/24]
Hmmm, where are my two MIA's??? I am MISSING YOU!!! 🤗🤗🤗 and 🤗🤗🤗
MC @mc6844 & Julie @JulieT507376
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Happy Birthday Nicole! Hope you do something special for yourself. I’m 66 too! It’s not so bad! I can still get on the floor with Sadie and my great grand kids! Sadie and I are doing fine. Storms left us without power for a day! Came back on this morning. Really need a back up generator out here in no where land!!
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[Friday 9/26/24]
Marcy @MarcyW882921 , you did the best you could with caring for your hubbie.
Cadee @Cadee2719 PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE listen to your friends here. As I stated, you do have heart issues.
Luv you,
Nicole 🤗🤗🤗
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I promise I am taking care of myself. I have begun the search for the vascular doctor. The information from Jonibee has been so helpful. Rheumatologist in November, Family doctor in December. My brother has someone coming in to do the heavy work. I will give him his medication, prepare his meals and spend time with him. Once the surgery on his eye is scheduled, he will come to my home and I will care for him there. Thank You for caring. Luv you ❤️
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Nicole @Spring2025 ,
This is your special day so celebrate you! Treat yourself well because you deserve it. Happy birthday dear friend and may you have many more. 🎂🍨🎶🎉💐💃🏻
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[9/25/24] SO GOOD to hear from you Jonibee @jonibee !!! Happy Dance Time. 💃💃💃
Would a HEATING PAD help?
Nicole 🤗🤗🤗
[*** JONIBEE wrote: appts coming up are Lawyer dealing with trusts and Cardiologist just a check up to see if all is okayi..I have a 3 mos checkup wit primary in Dec. I am trying to curtail any more tests as it's wearing me out. I have another leg surgery scheduled after a month or so .Not going to the Endocrinologist because he didn't do anything and the Primary can do the same for less $$..Plus his office didn't fill out the Medicare form correct so it was denied so they have to resubmit it with the right wording..Aggravating..I find that this damp chilliy weather aggravates the cysts behind the knee...Using pain creme and Ibeprofin but careful not to take too many as it can cause bleeding problems...Walk using a canie as sitting doesn't help the cause..Otherwise I'm fine for the shape that I'm in... ***]
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I haven't had to resort to a htg. pad the creme/ibuprofen when needed helps and positining the legs either on a raised pillow or laying on one side with legs bent seems to help and of course walking to keep things going avoiding salts or salty foods and going easy of red meat..So here I am needing to watch the carbs also pretty soon what will I eat?
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👋 How are YOU?
Any plans for TODAY?
NO errands for me, Flu Shot TOMORROW at 8:30am and my 66th birthday.
Anyone got the Flu Shot or planning to?
NOT sure about LATEST COVID vaccine, waiting to see WHEN it is "available" at my CVS. They notify me of stuff via text and email. Grateful!!!
Had a very SAD dream last night = will be a day of Self Care in some form. Not sure WHICH form but NOT in the "mood" for Mr.'s In & Out TODAY. Crawled back into my bed AFTER feeding and watering him. Then put him out again. As usual, when I want him OUTSIDE he wants INSIDE. Not today buddy. We will see how I FEEL as the day surfaces.
DREARY rainy day and disappointed AGAIN of NOT being able to finish Car Spa. Oh well, per my Android Weather app - NEXT THURSDAY sun should be back.
Sick of Storm/whatever Helene. Is she affecting YOUR area?
Nicole 🤗🤗🤗
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I think the rain and not being able to get outside is affecting you. I am praying that Helene does not harm my friends in Florida. Is your daughter in a safe place? I don't think I could live there as I would be terrified of all the hurricanes. I am glad that you are taking care of yourself. I am planning on getting the flu shot, not sure about the COVID. Today Safelite is suppose to call me and tell me if they found the regulator for my car window. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Thank You for forwarding the message for me. Be safe ❤️
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Nicole @Spring2025 ,
I'm glad you are keeping up with your vaccines. I got the new COVID vac before my trip and plan to get my flu vac in October.
Sorry about your sad dream and hope that you follow through with some comforting self-care to get you through the day.🤗❤️
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👍 [9/24/24] REMEMBER - on those days/nights when YOU wonder WHY you are still here??? YOU are still here for the folks who CARE ABOUT YOU!!! So get out of bed EVERY DAY, hug them, tell them you CARE. This way when YOU ARE GONE, mixed in with THEIR GRIEVING will be GOOD MEMORIES. Parents (I am one) OUR KIDS (even adults) need their ONE PARENT - you. 🤗🤗🤗
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It’s sad to say but my adult children and grandchildren are so busy in their lives I’m not sure they would miss me. I think I have a couple of sisters and a friend or two that would miss me terribly. Most of all would be that silly dog! Days will go by and I won’t hear a word from my sons. I try not to let it hurt but it does. They are busy with their stuff and I’m not part of it!!
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