AARP Eye Center
You can now score up to a total of 900 points DAILY when you play these select AARP Games:
Give it your best shot and aim for a top score!
You must hit ‘Submit Score’ when you reach the end of the game to receive your points!
Check out all the Insider Tips for Rewards Badged Games here -
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The “submit score” button does not show until the puzzle is filled in 100% and with no errors.
If the puzzle is fully filled in and the “submit score” button does not appear, that mean there is an error(s) somewhere in the puzzle. Users can either review the puzzle to try and find the error(s) or they can toggle on the “show errors” option in the menu.
If it’s just one or two errors, using “show errors” should not affect your score enough to meet the minimum threshold to get the rewards points.
"I downloaded AARP Perks to assist in staying connected and never missing out on a discount!" -LeeshaD341679