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Silver Conversationalist

Denise Austin's Belly Fat Blast Not Awarding Points

There have been some videos not awarding points.  One in particular, is the Denise Austin Belly Fat Blast video.   This video has not awarded points in the last few days, and it's a good warm up exercise I enjoy to supplement my exercise regimen.  Last month, it was awarding points, so not sure if it's a tech issue that needs to be fixed.


Also, I'm getting the Gateway error on occasion when trying to access AARP Rewards.  There seems to be new tech issues this month. 

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Silver Conversationalist

Here is an update on the 10 minute Belly Fat Blast Video.  I watched and did the exercise video on  9/6, 9/7, and 9/8, and no points were awarded after completion.  The "300" point badge was displayed, but the badge did not change to the "check mark" as being completed or award points at the end of the video.  On 9/10, I watched the video again, and still no points were awarded.  This is the only video that I have found not awarding the points, as other exercise videos are working fine.  This particular video was working fine through the month of August.


Hopefully, it can be fixed to award the points again as this is one of my favorites exercises from Denise Austin.

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